Straight of the press folks! New music right from the guys of Evolve (www.preparetoevolve.com) This song is an elaborate display of the more groovy side of Evolve. Though their sound is an amalgum of sorts, be prepared to rock out through this rollercoaster of hot spittin' lyrics and quickened pulsing beats. Definitely a hot track. |
Label: -
Credits: ©2001-2003 All songs, music, and lyrics copywritten to the authors of them. -- Evolve |
Ahh yes the beginning of everything begins with a gathering of sorts. This epic takes you on a journey through the unknown depths of your musical consciousness. Sit back and take a ride among floating guitar riffs, soothing basslines, classic rock style drums, and enchanting harmonies. Warning - This song may cause severe headbangin'. Listen at will. |
Label: -
Credits: ©2001-2003 All songs, music, and lyrics copywritten to the authors of them. -- Evolve |
Evolve's first song. Written so time many moons ago this is what started it all. Enjoy. |
Label: -
Credits: ©2001-2003 All songs, music, and lyrics copywritten to the authors of them. -- Evolve |