A professional remaster of this jolly wee tune! |
CD: Celtic Spring
Credits: All Instruments & Vocals: Paul Smyth. BG Vocals: Billie Wilde |
Hooky, mid-tempo Beatlesque/ELO number..."Pop Category" Award winner & Grand Finalist in 1999 Pacific International Song Contest! Catchy, top 40 chart-topper! |
MP3.com CD: DUNCE - buy it!
CD: Dunce
Credits: All Insts: Paul A. Smyth |
A song about the male "dreaming" and vision-quest. Sweeping folk ballad with gtr, pipes and orchestra."I was born in the tempest/salt tears in my veins/I harnessed the wind/with my hands on her reins..." |
MP3.com CD: CELTIC SPRING - buy it!
CD: Celtic Spring
Label: on DAM-CD
Credits: All instruments & vocals: Paul A. Smyth |