"In my beginning is my end..." are the first words of T.S. Eliot's "Four Quartets" and the title of song 1 of this suite, which also includes Eternal Dreamer (dedicated to Paramahansa Yogananda) and Haunted By Waters. The Continua CD is based on writings and thoughts that have inspired and moved me, and is my attempt to touch others in turn. |
CD: Continua
Label: S.Monkey
My first Reason experiment |
The universe may one day reverse its expansion and collapse on itself in the opposite of the Big Bang. In mythology, the cosmic Being wakes from its sleep and the dream of creation ceases. This piece is pure auditory impressionism dedicated to the notion of cataclysmic implosion of such an oscillating universe, perfomed in an old-school electronica style similar to J M Jarre. |
CD: Continua
Label: S.Monkey
Credits: Inspired by Carl Sagan's Cosmos |
"...Now nearly all those I loved and did not understand when I was young are dead, but I still reach out to them...Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. The river was cut by the world's great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of the rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs.
I am haunted by waters."
Norman Maclean - A River Runs Through It
CD: Continua
Label: S. Monkey
Day 650 of the Voyager journey marks the encounter; the first glimpses of Io and the other Jovian moons: pale Europa with its peculiar streaks, fracture-swathed Ganymede, cratered Callisto with its multi-ringed scars of ancient impacts. |
CD: Io
Label: S.Monkey
Triumphant prelude to a voyage of discovery, a great adventure commencing with the launch of a spacecraft that will ultimately be an interstellar emmissary for the human race. |
CD: Io
Label: S.Monkey
Impressions of being on the the surface of Io, with huge volcanic plumes erupting all around; Experience in sound the drama of rising plumes and the splattery outbursts from volcanic vents. |
CD: Io
Label: S.Monkey
Credits: Ian Tescee: Tom Gregor |
Takes us into the clouds of Jupiter itself. The whimsical title borrows from Dr. Carl Sagan and E.E. Salpeter, and their speculations about organisms that might conceivably have evolved in the moist lower levels of atmosphere. Resembling airborne jellyfish, Floaters share Jupiter's clouds with tiny Sinkers. The idyllic scene is threatened by the Hunters, who have evolved to prey on the Floaters. |
CD: Io
Label: S.Monkey
Portrays a strange, inner voice, that jolts us from our reveries of scenes in Jupiter's clouds. The realization comes of an ancient Presence. Magical forces are swirling, contact is being made, and wisdom imparted ... Did WE set out to explore, or were we summoned to BE explored? |
CD: Io
Label: S.Monkey
Silent sailing of the Voyager craft beyond the outer reaches of the solar system, for 10,000 years in the solitude of interstellar space. |
CD: Io
Label: S.Monkey