...This is the story of Elvis Preston; a divided being sent from lightyears away to bring balance to the furious energies which humankind has thrown into a raging flux. It is believed in some cultures that it would be concieveable to transport one's psyche, as well as soulforce, to various planes of existence through certain key tones. Elvis Preston is simply one of these beings at work in our current space/time dimension. But what is the mysterious goal of this Elvis Preston, & furthermore, why are there so many forces lined up to see his demise? The answers will all be revealed as the saga continues... As long as you keep focused...
Endtroduction: Elvis Preston; formless soulforce travelling our multiverse arrives in our time/space at the dawn of the new millenium. Embodying a weakend soul known as 412294, he begins his agenda creating a secret neo-Illuminati society... Aiming their goals towards self-preservation, unity, & continued human evolution, they understand they will encounter heavy resistance by dark forces. And so begins the final war for extinction...
Part One: "Dimensions of a Fragmented Universe": Elvis is involved in some heavy R&R in the Eckreckto Crab Nebula with famed Blue-Skinned Whores of Nebula 2; when he recieves the slipstream message detailing the myterious abduction of 412294's kinship. Naturally Elvis assumes the disappearance must be involving the MJ-12 or some other form of Intelligence; when it is related to him by Warsaw Landstorm that the abductor was "something other than human." Upon return he stops to investigate the Martian cyrogenic facility, where he encounters Genome X project's supreme mutant experiment "Maelyk Deadstar." After defeating the ravenous mutant, he searches the central mainframe of the lab, and discovers files on the Greys and many reports of their involvement in terran abductions... Apparently, Terrans were the combined successes of cooperating Martian, Annukakian, & Grey leaders. The abductions were done for testing purposes to see if the masses of Terra were ready for the convergance; not all would survive. He rushes to return this news to his society, but due to an error in speed; arrives in 1984... And a whole new set of problems arrive. Being so close to the designated time/space he would have to wait it out... So of course, Elvis strategizes; during one encounter in the summer of 1984, he is given Acid by an ally... This only expands Elvis' perceptions; on the arrival of the new millenium, he will be ready... Years pass, and Elvis is once again united with the society; it is at this point where they are confronted by Spooks, the goons of the MJ-12. They are drilled on what they know about the collision on Nibiru. By playing it smart, Elvis manipulates the Spooks into telling what they thought the society already knew...That due to the elliptical orbit of the 10th planet, Earth may be on a course for disaster. During escape, they notice a strange lab numbered 5 which had Greys & human scientists working on what appeared to be human clones. Elvis and allies flee through an underground tunnel made by Elvis during his time spent waiting & planning. They active stored explosives and level the facility... At headquarters they are met by a member of the Annukakians who explains to them they are the special "Elohim" children of God who will bring balance to our dying races. The battle will be hard and long fought, with drastic climate changes approaching on the arrival of Nibiru... As this is reordering our way of life there will be many spiritual & power wars raging thru our lifetimes, and those of our children...
Symbolic expression of a barbaric ritual. |
CD: Unreleased
Label: Nu Vision
Credits: Elvis Preston |
Eerie dark Tech Hop sound engineered here on the Hydroshpere... | MP3.com CD: DimensionsOfAFragmentedUnivers - buy it!
CD: Dimensions of a Fragmented Universe
Label: The Hydroshpere
Credits: Elvis Preston, the guys from "History" channel |
Remixed version of the popular original cut. |
CD: Darkforce & The Anti-Matter Fiasco
Label: Darkside Elite
Credits: Elvis Preston/ LiuCynder |
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