A hobo takes his last ride on a frieght train
going west. He knows that he is going to die soon and hopes to get home before it happens. |
Label: TVP
Credits: Has been played all over europe and New Zealand and Australia and United Kingdom /It was written by,ELMER POLLON of Ladysmith, B.C. Canada and Sung By, ,TONY POLLON , Of Ladysmith, B.C. , Canada |
It is about a beautiful lady dancing in the moonlight.To the man she is dancing for ,she looks like an angel and he falls in love with her. |
CD: COMP. C.D. W.H.P.# 33 , Found on my MP3 Page
Label: This song has been released world wide by Wesrern Heart Promotions
Credits: Written And Sung By Tony Pollon |
Alone In The Night,was writen by Tony Pollon
It was a scene that he experienced a few years back. |
CD: Alone in the night can be found on Tony's Mp3 page
Label: The Label is T.V.P and has been released world wide
Credits: Written and Sung by Tony Pollon |
CD: Alone in the night can be found on my mp3 page
Label: The Label is T.V.P. and has been played in Europe,United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and Canada
Credits: Written by Tony Pollon and sung by Tony Pollon ,with harmony vocals by Marilyn Schedel |
CD: Alone in the night
CD: Alone in the night
She promised she would return with the robins in the spring . A bit of a love song. |
CD: Alone in the night
Label: T.V.P./ Being played World Wide
Credits: Written by Elmer Pollon and sung by Tony Pollon with harmony vocals by Marilyn Schedel |
Lonely people is just about a lonely person all dressed up and no where to go and listening for the phone to ring or a knock on the door. |
CD: Alone in the night
Label: T.V.P / Being played World Wide
Credits: Wrtten and sung by Tony Pollon and harmony vocals Marilyn Schedel |
This is about a lost love. His girl friend goes back to her home land across the sea and .He misses her and thinks of her as he walks the ocean shore and the love that they had and wishes he could turn back the time. |
CD: Alone in the night Found on mp3.com
Label: Tony Pollon T.V.P. Has been released world wide
Credits: Written and Sung by TONY POLLON |
CD: Alone in the night
This song is about a couple who had an argument.The man is leaving and it is raining .As he looks back at the window ,he sees her watching him leave with tears in her eyes and he reads her lips telling him not to go.He feels terrible. |
CD: Alone in the night, Found On M.P.3 .Com
Label: T.V.P. Released World Wide
Credits: Written By Tony Pollon and Co Writer Fred Turner , Sung By Tony Pollon. Harmony vocals Marilyn Schedel |
One night I was just sitting back in my easy chair with a glass of wine.This little storey came to me about a couple in a sailing ship and they got stranded on an island As I woke up I told the storey to my girl friend by telephone. |
CD: Alone in the night, Found On M.P.3 .Com
Label: T.V.P. Released World Wide
Credits: Written And Sung By Tony Pollon |