A light, jazzy song with a bit of Latin feel, I wanted to make a light and happy song to reflect the Sefirah of beauty. Tiferet is Hebrew, most often translated as "beauty". It is one of the ten Sefirot of the Tree of Life (Kaballah). Ocean, trees, sand, flowering plants, blue sky, sun. It's somewhat of a composition, more than a "song", since it's longer than the 'normal' song. This is the first song of a "Siferot" series, where I hope to offer in a small way my own rectification in music of each of the Siferot of the Tree of Life.It features Spanish Guitar, Oboe, and Piano. |
Label: Still Voice Music
Credits: Song written and performed by Alan Goldberg |
Magen Avot is a part of the Seven-faceted Blessing of the Amidah (daily prayers). This is the melody I grew up with in mid-west USA (Iowa). I played this on a 30-string lyre, with harmony. |
CD: None yet.
Label: Still Voice Music
On March 27, 2002, Twenty-nine people were killed and 140 injured - 20 seriously - in a suicide bombing in the Park Hotel in the coastal city of Netanya, Israel in the midst of the Passover holiday seder with 250 guests.
I needed to address the pain of this event, and did so by forming this song as a tribute and a memorial to the victims.
The form this song took on reflects the Seder ritual. and the theme of "fours" that surround the Seder - four cups of wine, four questions, the four sons. I wanted the core feeling of this song to be victory and strength through adversity, not lamentation.
CD: Not on CD yet.
Label: Still Voice Music
This song is the first song on the CD "Small Acts". The first few simple notes are meant as a call back from the hectic world to prepare for a Day of rest. The overall feeling I wanted to create was "I'm ready". The Sabbath day is as if the world was created anew, hence the name. |
MP3.com CD: Small Acts - buy it!
CD: Small Acts
Label: Still Voice Music
This song is on the CD "Small Acts". Most of the song titles on the CD allude to a "small act" that a person can perform that may have a bigger impact than the simple act itself. "Just Being There" is exactly that - showing up at your child's school play, or being somewhere that someone expects, or hopes you will be. Many times "just being there" counts for a great deal. |
MP3.com CD: Small Acts - buy it!
CD: Small Acts
Label: Still Voice Music
Credits: Written and Performed by Alan Goldberg |
A classic fable of a small act. If a butterfly flaps its wings across the world, what effect does it have where you are? It has an effect. Can we discern it?
This song conjures up a fairly busy butterfly, at least that's what I was thinking at the time. All things are connected. The smallest act of good or evil has an impact on the world. |
MP3.com CD: Small Acts - buy it!
CD: Small Acts
Label: Still Voice Music
This song speaks to the idea that "I've done enough" or "it's good enough". But it's never enough. It may be the next thing I do that really completes the task. Give a Little Extra is a reminder to push just a bit more, or decide if I should, when it seems like something is finished or good enough. Another small act. |
MP3.com CD: Small Acts - buy it!
CD: Small Acts
Label: Still Voice Music
A bit different. This is my little tribute to Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull, although you probably wouldn't recognize it as such. The single note rapid-fire staccato playing I scatter throughout Small Acts has its roots in the playing style Anderson does on his flute in much of his music. |
MP3.com CD: Small Acts - buy it!
CD: Small Acts
Label: Still Voice Music
Waiting up for someone to get home. Another Small Act. Maybe the person doesn't appreciate it, as I didn't as a teenager. Maybe it just feels like the right thing to do. |
MP3.com CD: Small Acts - buy it!
CD: Small Acts
Label: Still Voice Music
Keeping a promise isn't such a small act, but it can be. Children remember the smallest promises, and whether you cared enough to keep them or not. These small acts have a big impact in developing trust.
This one almost didn't make it on Small Acts. It's a bit long, but I liked the theme that does appear in it, and it brings out a bit more blues.
MP3.com CD: Small Acts - buy it!
CD: Small Acts
Label: Still Voice Music
Lots of things can be discussed and sorted out over a cup of coffee. A small act that can resolve much.
I often use coffee as proof of a supreme being. There is just no way coffee (and chocolate) can be the result of a random act of physics. How much more so a human being? How can a lump of chemicals inside a bag of water create art music, and wonder about existence? It's much harder to believe that there isn't a Creator when you really try to comprehend Creation. I often use coffee as proof of a supreme being. There is just no way coffee (and chocolate) can be the result of a random act of physics. |
MP3.com CD: Small Acts - buy it!
CD: Small Acts
Label: Still Voice Music
A late night walk is a simple and small act that can clear the mind and allow for good thinking time. Friday night is a good time to do it. I used to walk my dog when I lived in Minnesota at night, even when it was 20 below zero. Maybe that's why I live in Texas now. |
MP3.com CD: Small Acts - buy it!
CD: Small Acts
Label: Still Voice Music
I think wishes, dreams, prayers, and goals are closely related. All relate to a desire. I can make a wish as a first step to making something happen. A small act that can lead to big things. The biggest thing is to bring out the spark of divinity inside, and allow it to fulfill it's special mission in this world. |
MP3.com CD: Small Acts - buy it!
CD: Small Acts
Label: Still Voice Music
This one is a bit of a trick. Is the Sabbath over? Instead of a nice peaceful song to end Small Acts, I wanted to add back the tension. The tension between the sacred and profane is fuel to continue repairing the world. There is anxiety created when I work to have one foot in the world as it is, and one in the world to come. |
MP3.com CD: Small Acts - buy it!
CD: Small Acts
Label: Still Voice Music
This song first appeared on the LP album "Fuel For the Fire" in 1985. I remastered it to preserve some 'roots' for historical purposes. This song shows some roots in Jetrho Tull music, actually. |
CD: Fuel For the Fire - Special Order
Label: Still Voice Music
This song originally appeared on the "Fuel For the Fire" LP. It has been remastered as an act of, um, historical preservation. It is rare un tha I 'play' a real violin here. |
CD: Fuel For the Fire - Special Order
Label: Still Voice Music