Humbert (a spiny echidna), already downtrodden and disenfranchised by forces beyond his control, laments his interminable post-nasal drippe. |
CD: Whadda
Label: Little
Credits: Rippah! |
A tip of the yarmukel to Richard Pinhas & Heldon. All sounds are generated by a Roland JP-8000. 'Evvy. |
CD: Three
Label: Blind
Credits: Spiny Echidnas |
My first foray into circuit bending...on the performance end, that is. Thanks be to Dave Wright for "The Bucketf*cker." Rest of the sounds come from Korg Triton & AM radio talk show. |
CD: No!
Label: Go back!
Credits: Save....yourself! |
Umm... |
CD: none yet
Label: you gotta be kidding
Credits: me |
A somnabulistic glimpse into the bubbles trapped in a urinal.†|
CD: Ha!
Label: Ho!
Credits: Me and the Lord. |
Opiate carnivalscape using Kawai K5000s, Korg MS2000 & Roland JP-8000. |
CD: Nun
Label: NUN!
Credits: Me! |
NEVER NEVER NEVER get caught without rouge if your corpse is exhumed! Features a REALLY REALLY REALLY ill circuit-bent Yamaha VSS-30. nKay? |
What happens when you repeatedly plug and unplug a microphone into a patchbay. featuring my Palm Pilot IIIc. |
CD: Harrumph
Label: Not even
Credits: Jes' me |
Radio drama from BBC radio with the Nightmare Radio Consort doing the accompanying mucis (yeah I intended to spell it this way dabbit). |
CD: (braaap)
Label: Sorry, I farteth
Credits: Me & Steve |
Tribal in a way. HIGH frequencies, Kenneth. So just watch it, hear? |
CD: Tee
Label: Hee
Credits: Mee |
This guy has no idea how geeké he sounds. Wonder if his wife knows. |
CD: Sis
Label: Boom
Credits: Moi |
My hard drive stretches, yawns and breathes. O, just listen already. |
CD: Mama
Label: Can I have a cookie?
Credits: Man in the mirror |
Psonic omlette consisting of plucked piano strings, choir, synth percussion, synth bass & resonant feedback. |
CD: Oppenheimer Small-Cap fund
Label: Libby's!
Credits: Saint Xavier of Dundalk |
Pastor Harry Jackson's accidental introduction to Plunderphonia, courtesy of a technical glitch at WAVA-FM. Priceless.
Pastor Jackson's site is located at www.thehopeconnection.org. |
CD: John
Label: 3
Credits: 16 |
Yet more plucked piano strings and bent toys. No, that's not your phone (listen to find out what I'm talking about). |
Field recording of Prince George's County, MD Farm Heritage Festival in the year of the Bubba's ascension to the throne (God help us all). Fleshed it out with Roland JP-8000 synthesizer and Trigon Incantor. |
Cannish dance tune features circuit-bent SK-1, Korg Triton and MS2000. |
Field recording made with a tiny Olympus digital voice recorder while walking through Toys 'R Us. Adorned with a circuit bent Casio CZ-101 and a genuine Reed Ghazala Trigon Incantor. Honest Indigenous American! |
Features circuit-bent Casio SK-1 (thanks to Logan Erickson), Korg MS2000, Kawai 5000s, and the vocoded radio ministry of June Hunt (www.hopefortheheart.org). |
CD: huh?
Label: bleah!
Credits: Me! |
Fungi flourish in the phorest (d'oh). Wherefore rustleth 'neath the dry leaves? It ain't a Little Debbie snack cake, that's for certain. 3 different bent toys were used: Casio SK-5, Casio SA-2, SGT Synth plus the venerable Korg MS2000. |
What can I say...no real ones were available. An inchworm nervously makes her way through a seedy chirpy village. |
A tribute to the long-gone dating show to which I popped the bubble wrap and overdubbed (a decade later) with a circuit-bent Casio SK-1 and a Kawai K5000s. |
Digital spazzfest pitting Reed Ghazala's circuit bent SA-2 Aleatron vs. Kawai's additive K5000s synthesizer. Fans of Debbie Boone might experience confusion. |
Unknown preacher over shortwave gigging with my synths and Steve's bass. |
CD: Crab Tiger & Almond
Label: Requisit-t-t-t-t-t-t-t
Credits: Me & Steve |
A three-part experimental composition centered upon shortwave radio transmissions & reverse multi-track tape. |
CD: Cheeky
Label: Sod sod sod etc.
Credits: My thumb |
Peaceful and tranquil like dung beetles in your lower intestine...no really. Dung beetles. |
CD: Fluffer
Label: Nutter
Credits: Nutter = me |
Music ideal to assist in removing and examining your socks. Fetid. Graaah. |
CD: Three
Label: Penny
Credits: Oprah |
Walk towards it already. Are you there yet? |
CD: Dream
Label: On
Credits: C.P.E. Waldman |
Analog boffins rejoice! |
CD: Mongo reluctant to disclose
Label: Mongo not signed
Credits: Mongo |
Drippy breathy droney stüff featuring AM radio transmission and Roland Jupiter-8 synthesizer. |
CD: (zzz)
Label: (I sleepeth)
Credits: Yours trooly |
This one actually has a beat! |
CD: This again?
Label: Give it up, why don't ya?
Credits: Peter Paul Reubens & myself |
Bright and perky! Got Neu? |
CD: 8-track tape
Label: Home guy records ltd.
Credits: Only myself |
Fans of Kraftwerk & Tangerine Dream (circa 1971) will like this. Or not. |
CD: Days of Future Passed
Label: Virgin
Credits: Psych! You fell for it! |
A tribute to my second favorite galaxy in the whole wide world. |
CD: Thpppt
Label: Graaak
Credits: Finger-boy |