Have you ever had that dream where you're falling and you wake up just before you hit bottom? This song is the soundtrack for when you don't. |
CD: Upcoming Release
Label: Upcoming Release
Credits: Lyrics-TC, Music-Robin Moulder, MIX and Programming - Chris Vrenna |
From a fall to a crawl. A song of resigned and sad determination. Underneath it, you are lost, lost forever. |
CD: To be releaesd
Label: To be releaesd
Credits: TCR: TC/Robin Moulder. Acoustic Guitar: Richard Pierce |
This is a remix of the soon to be release song "Suddenly". Remix by Barclay
Crenshaw and Jamie Osborne. See http://www.djtree.com for more of their work. |
CD: To be released
Label: To be released
Credits: Suddenly by TCR REMIX :Barclay Crenshaw and Jamie Osborne |