Poor old Millo. "Here's something for an introduction, lads." Oh no matey-boy, here's something we're going to turn into a whole song. "Oh?" And that's something Rich'll turn into a whole chorus. |
CD: Kick Ass
Label: Fat Stanley Records
Because Oz played a 26-fret bass, he could hit strings on the 26th fret and make a weird noise. A few bars of that, and then everyone else kicks in with a weird noise. This song always sounded better with the Enterprise engaging warp drive at the beginning instead. |
CD: Kick Ass
Label: Fat Stanley Records
Tourniquet 11th Anniversary Reunion Rehearsal. In which we play, potentially for the last time, the first song we wrote. And discover that once you've sung a beautiful close harmony you never forget it. Yeah right. |
CD: Weapon of Mass Destruction
Label: Fat Stanley Records