This hails to the guys who got the whole scene started. Before hippies, punksters, jazzesters there were the Beats. And this goes out to them or anyone who is asking "Am I Cool Enough To Be Cool?" |
Label: Independent
Credits: LARRY SCHULZ,written and performed. Richard Lockhart performs the music. He also does the count at the start of the song. |
A sonic journey into fear can be found only through silence and who knows what metaphoris can be obtained. This is the basis of "Werewolf Silence." Listen... |
MP3.com CD: Spoken Songs - buy it!
CD: Spoken Songs
Label: Indpendent
Credits: Written and performed by Larry Schulz with music by Richard Lockhart |
A tribute to anyone who loves the ocean/life. |
MP3.com CD: Spoken Songs - buy it!
CD: Spoken Spngs
Label: Independent
Credits: Larry Schulz wrote and performs the piece-music composed by Richard Lockhart |