Barrie Thyer is the DJ in a Brannigans Nightclub in the UK. This track was created using a sampled answerphone message he left on my answering service. - This is the "Thyer Remix" of the track called "Barrie Thyer Has Got A Very Small Pen1s" |
CD: Shoot The D.J.
Label: MegaWoo Music
Credits: To Barrie Thyer, for being dumb enough to leave abusive messages on my answerphone |
Barrie Thyer is the DJ in a Brannigans Nightclub in the UK. This track was created using a sampled answerphone message he left on my answering service. - This is the "Thyer Remix" of the track called "Barrie Thyer Has Got A Very Small Pen1s" |
CD: Shoot The D.J.
Label: MegaWoo Music
Credits: To Barrie Thyer, for being dumb enough to leave abusive messages on my answerphone |
Barrie Thyer is the DJ in a Brannigans Nightclub in the UK. This track was created using a sampled answerphone message he left on my answering service. |
CD: Shoot The D.J.
Label: MegaWoo Music
Credits: To Barrie Thyer, for being dumb enough to leave abusive messages on my answerphone |
I'm not mad, I just don't give a f***.
I guess i am Just Plain Crazy ... lol |
CD: Down To Earth
Label: MegaWoo Music
CD: Down To Earth
Label: MegaWoo Music
When something goes wrong with the washing machine, or with the car, or any other mechanical device, we often say that it's due to a "Gremlin In The Machine".
These mischievous little creatures like to cause havoc by messing around with the workings of machinery so that we are no longer able to use them. LOL |
CD: Down To Earth
Label: MegaWoo Music
CD: Down To Earth
Label: MegaWoo Music
Since i began using Acid Style v2.0 and later Acid D.J. v3.0, both from Sonic Foundry, it seems the music i have been able to create for your listening pleasure, just seems to flow freely, just like a lava flow after a volcanic eruption. With so many Loop Library CD's available out there, aswell as the many Free Loop sites, and Acid Planet's regular 8pack releases, it means i have been able to start building up quite a large collection of loops with which to create some great tracks, aswell as maybe some not so great tracks. The important thing is i enjoyed creating them, and i hope you enjoy at least some of them. |
CD: Down To Earth
Label: MegaWoo Music
Have you ever been in a state of happiness where you think you'll explode if you get any happier ? - Sometimes it's the little things in life that can make the difference. Something someone says or does, which puts you into a good frame of mind. Sometimes just being nice to someone can make a dull day seem that much brighter. |
CD: Down To Earth
Label: MegaWoo Music
MP3.com CD: The Power Of The Creator - CDS - buy it!
CD: Down To Earth
Label: MegaWoo Music
CD: Interstellar Gas
Label: MegaWoo Music
MP3.com CD: The Power Of The Creator - CDS - buy it! MP3.com CD: Interstellar Gas - buy it!
Label: MegaWoo Music
MP3.com CD: Alien Landscape - CDS - buy it! MP3.com CD: Interstellar Gas - buy it!
CD: Interstellar Gas
Label: MegaWoo Music
MP3.com CD: Interstellar Gas - buy it!
CD: Interstellar Gas
Label: MegaWoo Music
MP3.com CD: Interstellar Gas - buy it!
CD: Interstellar Gas
Label: MegaWoo Music
MP3.com CD: Interstellar Gas - buy it!
CD: Interstellar Gas
Label: MegaWoo Music
MP3.com CD: Interstellar Gas - buy it!
CD: Interstellar Gas
Label: MegaWoo Music
MP3.com CD: Interstellar Gas - buy it!
CD: Interstellar Gas
Label: MegaWoo Music
This is my second remix of the track "Asteroid" |
MP3.com CD: Interstellar Gas - buy it!
CD: Interstellar Gas
Label: MegaWoo Music
Credits: Credits go to Acid Fanatic - for the remix contest |
MP3.com CD: Total Anonymity - buy it!
CD: Total Anonymity
Label: MegaWoo Music
MP3.com CD: Total Anonymity - buy it!
CD: Total Anonymity
Label: MegaWoo Music
Credits: Thanks must go out to AcidFanatic.Com for the Loop Library CD's that inspire me to make new tracks |
MP3.com CD: Total Anonymity - buy it!
CD: Total Anonymity
Label: MegaWoo Music
With some great sound FX to add to the general feeling of this track, you get the point of what this song is about. I did jot down some lyrics to go with this track, but i preferred the instrumental version. |
MP3.com CD: Total Anonymity - buy it!
CD: Total Anonymity
Label: MegaWoo Music
MP3.com CD: Total Anonymity - buy it!
CD: Total Anonymity
Label: MegaWoo Music
MP3.com CD: Total Anonymity - buy it!
CD: Total Anonymity
Label: MegaWoo Music
Credits: Thanks must go out to AcidFanatic.Com for the Loop Library CD's that inspire me to make new tracks |
MP3.com CD: Total Anonymity - buy it!
CD: Total Anonymity
Label: MegaWoo Music
This is a remix of some loops Alpha Star let loose upon the remix scene |
MP3.com CD: Total Anonymity - buy it!
CD: Total Anonymity
Label: MegaWoo Music
Credits: Thanks to "Alpha Star" for the remix challenge - http://www.alphastarmusic.com |
MP3.com CD: Web Full Of Music - buy it!
CD: Web Full Of Music
Label: MegaWoo Music
MP3.com CD: Web Full Of Music - buy it!
CD: Web Full Of Music
Label: MegaWoo Music
The internet is a great place to look for music, There's many places that you can download or listen to music for free. MP3.COM is just one of them, but there is a web full of music out there. lol |
MP3.com CD: Web Full Of Music - buy it!
CD: Web Full Of Music
Label: MegaWoo Music
Credits: Thanks must go out to all the artists out there who have put their music online for everyone to listen to. |
MP3.com CD: Web Full Of Music - buy it!
CD: Web Full Of Music
Label: MegaWoo Music
I am into most Sci-Fi stuff, and guess where the name for this track got inspired from. lol |
MP3.com CD: Web Full Of Music - buy it!
CD: Web Full Of Music
Label: MegaWoo Music
This song is dedicated to the Cerberus Jokes Mailing List - http://www.yahoogroups.com/group/cerberus-jokes |
MP3.com CD: Web Full Of Music - buy it! MP3.com CD: Alter Ego - CDS - buy it!
CD: Web Full Of Music
Label: MegaWoo Music
This is the Timeout Remix of my track "Downloading MP3" |
MP3.com CD: Web Full Of Music - buy it! MP3.com CD: Downloading MP3 - CDS - buy it!
CD: Web Full Of Music
Label: MegaWoo Music
This is a remix of some loops that were given out as part of a remix challenge by "Alpha Star" - http://www.alphastarmusic.com |
MP3.com CD: Web Full Of Music - buy it!
CD: Web Full Of Music
Label: MegaWoo Music
Credits: Thanks to Alpha Star for the remix challenge - http://www.alphastarmusic.com |
MP3.com CD: The Eight Pack - buy it!
CD: The Eight Pack
Label: MegaWoo Music
MP3.com CD: The Eight Pack - buy it!
CD: The Eight Pack
Label: MegaWoo Music
Credits: Check out MegaWoo Music Remix Club on Check out MegaWoo Music Remix Club on http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/megawoo/ |
This is one of my remix submissions for the MegaWoo Music Remix Club - http://members.lycos.co.uk/megawoo |
MP3.com CD: The Eight Pack - buy it!
CD: The Eight Pack
Label: MegaWoo Music
Credits: This song is a remix of a MegaWoo Music 8Pack loop contest |
This is one of my remix submissions for the MegaWoo Music Remix Club - http://members.lycos.co.uk/megawoo |
MP3.com CD: The Eight Pack - buy it!
CD: The Eight Pack
Label: MegaWoo Music
Credits: This song is a remix of a MegaWoo Music 8Pack loop contest |
This is one of my remix submissions for the MegaWoo Music Remix Club - http://members.lycos.co.uk/megawoo |
MP3.com CD: The Eight Pack - buy it!
CD: The Eight Pack
Label: MegaWoo Music
Credits: This song is a remix of a MegaWoo Music 8Pack loop contest |
This is one of my remix submissions for the MegaWoo Music Remix Club - http://members.lycos.co.uk/megawoo |
MP3.com CD: The Eight Pack - buy it!
CD: The Eight Pack
Label: MegaWoo Music
Credits: This song is a remix of a MegaWoo Music 8Pack loop contest |
This is one of my remix submissions for the MegaWoo Music Remix Club - http://members.lycos.co.uk/megawoo |
MP3.com CD: The Eight Pack - buy it!
CD: The Eight Pack
Label: MegaWoo Music
Credits: This song is a remix of a MegaWoo Music 8Pack loop contest |
This is one of my remix submissions for the MegaWoo Music Remix Club - http://members.lycos.co.uk/megawoo |
MP3.com CD: The Eight Pack - buy it!
CD: The Eight Pack
Label: MegaWoo Music
Credits: This song is a remix of a MegaWoo Music 8Pack loop contest |
I love cats, and have a houseful of them at the moment. I wake up most mornings with at least half of them cuddled up beside me. When it's feeding time, i make a fuss of them, and say to them "Are you going to purr for me?" - And they often do! |
MP3.com CD: Larger Than Life - buy it!
CD: Larger Than Life
Label: MegaWoo Music
Credits: This song is dedicated to my cat Ginge, who passed away in June 2002, aged 13 years and 2 months |
I'm a 'big' chap with a 'big' personality |
MP3.com CD: The Power Of The Creator - CDS - buy it! MP3.com CD: Larger Than Life - buy it!
CD: Larger Than Life
We are all on the run from something, - whether it's from the law, from an ex-lover, or some kind of tragedy in our life, or some other event we'd rather never hear about ever again. - Everyone is running away from something. |
MP3.com CD: Larger Than Life - buy it!
CD: Larger Than Life
Label: MegaWoo Music
Credits: Thanks must go out to all the FREE Loop sites on the net, without who, i'd never have been able to create so much music of my own |
This is an extended remix i created for a song remix contest that i entered. |
MP3.com CD: Larger Than Life - buy it!
CD: Larger Than Life
Label: MegaWoo Music
Credits: Thanks to all the Loop Library collectors out there |
When everything is going fine, and things have worked out for the best, it sure is Good To Be Alive |
MP3.com CD: Larger Than Life - buy it!
CD: Larger Than Life
Label: MegaWoo Music
I like to make a noise with my computer, and am often proud of the results |
MP3.com CD: Larger Than Life - buy it!
CD: Larger Than Life
Label: MegaWoo Music
We've all done things that may have been the wrong thing to do. On some rare occasions, we may get caught, and punished. But most of the time we have been 'geting away with it'... |
MP3.com CD: Larger Than Life - buy it!
CD: Larger Than Life
Label: MegaWoo Music
Credits: Dedicated to Richard Catto.. who has been Getting Away With It for a long time now... lol |
I created this track for an upcoming project i am working on, which is a tie-in with "Mr Funny Bone International's Joke Mailing List" |
MP3.com CD: Alter Ego - CDS - buy it! MP3.com CD: Larger Than Life - buy it!
CD: Larger Than Life
Label: MegaWoo Music
Credits: Thanks to Mr Funny Bone International (or Mr FBI for short) for the inspiration - Check out the mailing list here http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Mr-FBI |
I live in the UK, but am on US time (usually PST/PDT) - I'm up when the moon is out, Thus i'm a Moonlight Boy |
MP3.com CD: Loony Bin - buy it!
CD: Loony Bin
We all feel trapped in some way or other, - be it in a job you hate, or in a marriage that's going nowhere, etc, etc... - and all you want is to be set free.... |
MP3.com CD: Loony Bin - buy it!
CD: Loony Bin
MP3.com CD: Loony Bin - buy it!
CD: Loony Bin
MP3.com CD: Loony Bin - buy it!
CD: Loony Bin
When all around you claim they're normal,
But all the time acting somewhat insane,
These details swirls around in my head,
Threatening to explode my brain...
It sure feels like i'm going crazy...
There's things that go on, i can't explain,
I'm floating on a sea of madness,
Am the only one who's really sane ? |
MP3.com CD: Loony Bin - buy it! MP3.com CD: Just Plain Crazy - buy it!
CD: Loony Bin
Label: MegaWoo Music
When i was little, i once asked my grandad where he had been. He replied "There And Back" which sort of answered my question really, even though it didn't tell me anything useful. |
MP3.com CD: Loony Bin - buy it!
CD: Loony Bin
Label: MegaWoo Music
You know when someone tells you somethng, that you don't believe in the slightest, for whatever reason, you'd say something like "yeah, that's A Likely Story" - I know a few people who talk a lot of nonsence like this, and i use this phrase a lot on them. |
MP3.com CD: Loony Bin - buy it!
CD: Loony Bin
Label: MegaWoo Music
This has got an egyptian feel to it. This track makes me imagine i am in Egypt, and am visiting the tombs of the ancient pharaohs. |
MP3.com CD: Loony Bin - buy it!
CD: Loony Bin
Label: MegaWoo Music
Imagine what it would be like to be stranded on another planet, nothing for miles around but barren wasteland, and you are all alone.
(This is the Extended version of my earlier) |
MP3.com CD: Alien Landscape - CDS - buy it!
CD: International Psycho
Label: MegaWoo Music
Sometimes the dance floor is so crowded that you have to "Mind Your Back" or risk bumping into other people |
CD: International Psycho
Label: MegaWoo Music
CD: International Psycho
Label: MegaWoo Music
I'm not mad, I just don't give a f***.
I guess i am Just Plain Crazy ... lol |
MP3.com CD: Just Plain Crazy - buy it!
CD: International Psycho
Label: MegaWoo Music
CD: International Psycho
Label: MegaWoo Music
CD: International Psycho
Label: MegaWoo Music
you decide, - let me know how you'd describe it |
CD: International Psycho
Label: MegaWoo Music
My friend Rob, has got the nickname "Psycho Bob". He used to live in the UK, but has now moved to the US, so i now call him an "International Psycho" - hehehe, This track is dedicated to him. He's a mad muppet ! |
MP3.com CD: Just Plain Crazy - buy it!
CD: International Psycho
Label: MegaWoo Music
Credits: To my best friend Robert... a.k.a. Psycho Bob |
this is the instrumental version of my earlier track |
MP3.com CD: Lost In Cyber Space - buy it!
CD: Lost In Cyber Space
The internet is a big place, but it all boils down in the end to just two things,
Zeros and Ones, 010010010010010010010010001001000100101000100100100010010100101010100010010001010001001001 |
MP3.com CD: Lost In Cyber Space - buy it!
CD: Lost In Cyber Space
Label: MegaWoo Music
Imagine you're partying on a spaceship orbiting a distant planet. - or you could suggest a description i could use for this song. |
MP3.com CD: Lost In Cyber Space - buy it!
CD: Lost In Cyber Space
Label: MegaWoo Music
MP3.com CD: Lost In Cyber Space - buy it!
CD: Lost In Cyber Space
Label: MegaWoo Music
MP3.com CD: Lost In Cyber Space - buy it!
CD: Lost In Cyber Space
Label: MegaWoo Music
This is where i usually can be found, - Lost in Cyber Space... - There are so many webpages out there, you can spend an eternity going through them all. So, i dedicate this song to all the net-surfers out there |
MP3.com CD: Lost In Cyber Space - buy it!
CD: Lost In Cyber Space
Label: MegaWoo Music
Imagine what it would be like to be stranded on another planet, nothing for miles around but barren wasteland, and you are all alone. |
MP3.com CD: Alien Landscape - CDS - buy it! MP3.com CD: Lost In Cyber Space - buy it!
CD: Lost In Cyber Space
Label: MegaWoo Music
With the 'spaced out' melody, and the jungle drums, i though the title seemed to fit. - I've been wanting to use the track name in something for ages now.. and now i have |
MP3.com CD: Lost In Cyber Space - buy it!
CD: Lost In Cyber Space
This is an extended version of my track "Downloading MP3" |
MP3.com CD: F9 - buy it! MP3.com CD: Downloading MP3 - CDS - buy it!
CD: Mystacy - F9
Label: MegaWoo Music
This is an extended version of my song "The Weakest Link Bitch" |
MP3.com CD: F9 - buy it! MP3.com CD: The Weakest Link Bitch - CDS - buy it!
CD: Mystacy - F9
Label: MegaWoo Music
Credits: Thanks must go to my brother, for letting me use his voice recording in this track |
A nice tune, with a bit of a meaning in the title (See 'story behind song' for more info) |
MP3.com CD: F9 - buy it!
CD: Mystacy - F9
Label: MegaWoo Music
This is the sort of track that you may play when you are feeling lonely, one cold dark night, when you can't sleep. |
MP3.com CD: F9 - buy it!
CD: Mystacy - F9
Label: MegaWoo Music
A funky little number inspired by similar music i have heard on the radio |
MP3.com CD: F9 - buy it!
CD: Mystacy - F9
Label: MegaWoo Music
Winter is approaching,
now that Christmas is here,
the temperatures are dropping,
As it just 'that time of year' |
MP3.com CD: F9 - buy it!
CD: Mystacy - F9
Label: MegaWoo Music
A short little tune that i knocked together, - This version is a re-edit of the earlier 2 minute version i posted on here. There was a problem with one of the samples i used, which got corrupted when i saved this song as MP3. I have now fixed the problem, extended the track a bit, and re-entered this track again. |
MP3.com CD: F9 - buy it! MP3.com CD: The Weakest Link Bitch - CDS - buy it!
CD: Mystacy - F9
Label: MegaWoo Music
The title track from the album, F9 - See the "Story behind the song" for more info about why i named this track and album "F9" |
MP3.com CD: F9 - buy it!
CD: Mystacy - F9
Label: MegaWoo Music
This one has a oriental feel to it, so i called it Eastern Beauty |
MP3.com CD: Mister C - buy it!
CD: Mystacy - Mister C
Label: MegaWoo Music
This type of music is good when you are trying to relax. Sit back, close your eyes, and let your imagination follow the music and take you on a journey into your innermost thoughts. |
MP3.com CD: Mister C - buy it!
CD: Mystacy - Mister C
Label: MegaWoo Music
Imagine you are in a dark forest, just as night is starting to fall, you imagination starts to run away with every shadow and noise you hear, so you do what comes natural, you run for it. |
MP3.com CD: Mister C - buy it!
CD: Mystacy - Mister C
Label: MegaWoo Music
A nice little funky number i came up with one dark cold night when i was feeling a bit low. I made this to cheer myself up, and it seemed to work. |
MP3.com CD: Mister C - buy it!
CD: Mystacy - Mister C
Label: MegaWoo Music
Some kewl electro music samples strung together to create this little piece of art |
MP3.com CD: Alter Ego - CDS - buy it! MP3.com CD: Mister C - buy it!
CD: Mystacy - Mister C
Label: MegaWoo Music
Credits: Check out MegaWoo Music Remix Club on http://members.lycos.co.uk/megawoo |
I thought this was an apt title, as that is what most people who will hear this tune will be doing |
MP3.com CD: Mister C - buy it! MP3.com CD: Downloading MP3 - CDS - buy it!
CD: Mystacy - Mister C
Label: MegaWoo Music
Take my voice, add a beatbox, some drums, and other misc samples, and hey look, another kewl tune is born |
MP3.com CD: Mister C - buy it!
CD: Mystacy - Mister C
Label: MegaWoo Music
Credits: Credits go to Sonic Foundry, for creating such a wonderful tool for music creation |
Inspired in part by the UK game show The Weakest Link, and with the help of a few beers, i came up with this track, - which i created using a program called ACID Style 2.0 |
MP3.com CD: Mister C - buy it! MP3.com CD: The Weakest Link Bitch - CDS - buy it!
CD: Mystacy - Mister C
Label: MegaWoo Music
Credits: to my brother, for letting me sample his voice into this song |