This is an extended version of the fuzzball's theme at my website. There's a bunch of links somewhere if you want to go there.f |
This is a song I wrote for a Christmas Special called "The Evils of Christmas" on http://glickglidewell.keenspace.com. It's a loud irritating version of Jingle Bells. |
Credits: Everything: Angelo Maceri |
This song dares to not only ask but answer the question "Why the hell is techno have to be so boring? Would a drum fill every 8 or 16 measures be too much to ask? I mean, that's a pretty good one measure loop you have there, but does it have to last six minutes?"e |
Credits: Brian Corsiglia and maybe Ben Abromovitz - Giving me the idea to write a song in Eb Blues Angelo Maceri - Writing a song in Eb Blues |