it's like a rock band but the music is not only post-rock...
it's post-functional... dude, what the hell does that mean?
Band History
gleep, lruger, krunch, and jenni emmigrated from mars in the summer of 2000. "there was like no nightlife on mars," says jenni. "nightlife?," she continues, "gag me with a parok! there's no life there at all." So they moved to Durham, NC (which they had heard was the center of the music industry on earth) and kicked off their critically acclaimed tour of the
third planet with a new years eve party at some dive in chapel hill.
Band Members
krunch - guitar, guitar synth
lruger - bass
gleep - drums and percussion
jenni - keys and vox
Press reviews
"What?!! Damn, they're gonna wake up the rocks and sand!"
- Kur-Kul, The Arespolis Bimillennial Revue.