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    The pieces you'll find here are very different in character. They are mostly humorous, some parodistic. They are experimental, not only in the musical sense, but mainly because I'm trying to do something technically different, with software, samples etc. in every new piece.
    What follows is a small selection of what I have done.

    Here is the documentation for my six CDs:
        Concerto per Eleonora (in Italian)
        Miroirs 1 (Sep.2001)
        Miroirs 2 (Dec.2001)
        Jean-Loup Garou(Nov.2002)
        Third-hand Music(Jan.2003)
        Tales from the Mist(Feb.2003)

    All references, stated or hidden, to other composers are known and intentional.

    Standard disclaimer: All materials performed (some also composed) by computer. No human performer was harmed during the making of this music.
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    "A Valentine Out Of The Mirror"genre: Contemporary
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    for flute, harps, percussion. A free and joyful improvisation reworked at the sequencer.
    CD: Concerto per Eleonora
    "Violin Concerto, 1st tempo"genre: Contemporary
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    First tempo of the Violin Concerto I wrote for my daughter. A simple but very firm and expressive melody. Production: July 2001
    CD: Concerto per Eleonora
    "Violin Concerto, 2nd tempo"genre: Contemporary
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    "Dance of Vectorised Interrupts". The violin part was composed by a fractal music program I wrote in 1998, then I added a brass/percussion accompaniment. Production: July 2001
    CD: Concerto per Eleonora
    "Violin Concerto, 3rd tempo"genre: Contemporary
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    "Cadenza-Lion's Step". Algorithmically composed and manually rendered for an improbable solo "hyper-violin". Production: July 2001
    CD: Concerto per Eleonora
    "Violin Concerto, 4th tempo"genre: Contemporary
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    Scherzo ("Terribilio"). In 4 sections, all derived from the initial violin phrase.
    CD: Concerto per Eleonora
    "Violin Concerto, 5th tempo"genre: Contemporary
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    "Puscanti (=requiescat) in Pace". Dark, noisy and sacral, with a sudden opening of clear sky in the middle.
    CD: Concerto per Eleonora
    "Miroirs IX - Bossa Bassa"genre: Brazilian
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    for pop orchestra
    CD: Miroirs 1
    "Zol-Bach"genre: Experimental Classical
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    A MIDI morph between J.S.Bach's 2nd Brandeburg Concerto and an hungarian popular song transcribed by Zoltan Kodaly. The rhythms come from Bach, the harmony from Kodaly. Rendering for jazz quartet: pian, guitar, bass, brush set. January 2003.
    CD: Third-Hand Music
    Credits: Christina, the "short-haired fairy"
    "Piano and String Trio"genre: Classical General
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    Algorithmic composition. It is based on Renaissance tunes and uses Pythagorean temperament. A sort of mid-XX century neoclassical piece. June 2003.
    Credits: Paul Whalley for "Poodles and Flan"
    "Cello and piano"genre: Experimental Classical
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    Algorithmic composition, April 2003. The only experimental thing in this piece is the way it is composed, otherwise it's a straightforward classical piece.
    Credits: Paul Whalley for "Poodles and Flan"
    "L'Oiseau de Pierre"genre: Contemporary
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    for piano, keyed percussions and small orchestra. Partially algorithmic variations on Messiaen-like 'bird' patterns. Production: august 2003
    CD: Ligdaddlig
    "Points de Repere sur un Nuage"genre: Contemporary
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    February 2003, for large virtual orchestra. Builds up slowly from an extreme pianissimo to a clangorous tutti, then decays to nothing. Mainly based on the interval of fourth. Quite long (25').
    CD: Tales from the Mist
    "Ligdaddlig 3a for solo horn"genre: Contemporary
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    A short piece for solo french horn.
    CD: Ligdaddlig
    "Ligdaddlig 3b for solo horn"genre: Contemporary
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    another small piece for solo french horn
    CD: Ligdaddlig
    "Outdoor Quartets II - Mvt.1"genre: Contemporary
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    "Fairy Sounds in a Cave". For virtual amplified string quartet and ambient sounds. February 2003.
    CD: Tales from the Mist
    "Outdoor Quartets II - Mvt.2"genre: Contemporary
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    "We went Away on a Rainy Morning". For virtual microtonal string quartet and ambient sounds. February 2003.
    CD: Tales from the Mist
    "Outdoor Quartets II - Mvt.3"genre: Contemporary
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    "Voices of Wars on the Seashore". For virtual string quartet and ambient sounds. February 2003.
    CD: Tales from the Mist
    "Outdoor Quartets II - Mvt.4"genre: Contemporary
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    "Nothing Left Here but Dust and Sorrows". For virtual string quartet and ambient sounds. The whole Quartet is a very, very sad piece, I tried to put in it all the worries for the upcoming war. February 2003.
    CD: Tales from the Mist
    "Miroirs XII - La Ville De Rien"genre: Contemporary
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    For orchestra. A vision suddenly brokes out of the clouds with a horn theme developing into a climax following by a fugato of the strings. The vision disappears in the halo of a vibraphone. Production: July 2001
    CD: Miroirs 1
    "D-Hommage for virtual orchestra"genre: Contemporary
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    30 May 2003, in memoriam Luciano Berio. New version revised August'03.
    "Just for fun - Another Jazzy Bach"genre: Classical General
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    So we torture again our Old Grand Master Bach.. please relax and have a good time. For trumpet and the other usual stuff. May 2003.
    "Just for fun - Another Polka Bach"genre: Classical General
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    Hey Johann Sebastian, here we go again. Trumpet against out-of-tune orchestra. May 2003.
    "Etudes on a Chopin Etude"genre: Experimental Classical
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    Several computer-generated variations on the Study Op.10 n.5 by Chopin, made with my custom MIDI transforming software and hand-edited later. How they say here..? "Exhilarating"?
    CD: Jean-Loup Garou
    Credits: Robert Finley for the original MIDI file
    "Miroirs XIV - Les Baricades Renversees"genre: Baroque
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    for cembalo. Pitch-mirroring of 'Les Baricades Mysterieuses' by Francois Couperin, with some adjustments. Production: October 2001
    CD: Miroirs 2
    "And The Lamb Didn't Descend"genre: Contemporary
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    My contribution to the Christian Minimalism®. For boring solo cello, boring string orchestra and very boring priestly chants. Production: November 2001
    CD: Miroirs 2
    "OBRAX for piano"genre: Contemporary
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    "Obracs" is, as you can see, the reverse of "Scarbo". No. 3 from "Trois pilules pour un gaspard malade". Production: October 2002
    CD: Jean-Loup Garou
    Credits: Maurice Ravel
    "The Wicked Messenger"genre: Contemporary
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    From "The Retrograde Planets": Mercury. For piano and orchestra. Piano cadences by Jarl Sigurd, reworked into musical meaningful stuff. November 2002.
    CD: Third-Hand Music
    Credits: David Siu for the original Holst MIDI file
    "Miroirs V - Sunevenus"genre: Contemporary
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    A pitch and time mirror of "Venus" from The Planets by Holst, with a lot of reworking. Production: July 2001
    CD: Miroirs 1
    Credits: David Siu,M.D. for the original MIDI file
    "Miroirs XIII - WTC"genre: Contemporary
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    for string orchestra and percussion. My reaction to the WTC tragedy, it already appeared on "A Musical Gallery of the September 11 Tragedies" at
    CD: Miroirs 1
    "Children Songs in Garlic Sauce"genre: Contemporary
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    For piano 4-hands. A proliferation of computer-generated "classical" patterns over five well-known children songs. Production: December 2002
    CD: Jean-Loup Garou
    "Gris 4 for orchestra"genre: Contemporary
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    It is a "fractal" melodic line variously streched and superposed on itself, in a kind of slow and quiet orchestral study. Nothing really new, actually, but quite enjoyable. Production: October 2002
    CD: Third-Hand Music
    Credits: The Roland Symphonic Orchestra logically conducted by Emil Agic ;-)
    " for"genre: Contemporary
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    A little piece to celebrate the New Year 2003 and the birth of a friend's daughter. For clarinet alone.
    CD: Tales from the Mist
    "Miroirs I - Altamura"genre: Experimental Classical
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    My first attempt at pitch mirroring. I started from a MIDI file of the Clarinet Concerto by S.Mercadante, sped up it a bit and arranged it for tuba and small orchestra, with a trumpet half-way between baroque and spaghetti western. The title comes from the fact that Mercadante was born in Altamura (southern Italy) Production: July 2001.
    CD: Miroirs 1
    Credits: MIDI archive at; St.Irene, patron of Altamura
    "Dialogue des Ombres et du Chat"genre: Contemporary
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    for clarinet and tape.A clarinet ( the cat) plays against two others, electronically modified. The piece is based on the series from 'The Owl and the Pussycat' by Stravinsky. Production: November 2001
    CD: Miroirs 2
    Credits: Mariangela 'the Cat'
    "Rate Neire I"genre: Experimental Classical
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    Algorithmic composition for choir a cappella, april 2003. Between a mellotron and a Ligeti on acid. "rate neire" in my dialect means "black rats".
    Credits: Paul Whalley for "Poodles and Flan"
    "Miroirs XVII - 366-00"genre: Medieval
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    "Vergine Bella", canzone 366 by Petrarca My version of the Wuorinen version of the Dufay version, with bells&whistles to make US people happy.
    CD: Miroirs 2
    "Miroirs XXI - 366-02"genre: Contemporary
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    Mirroring of a piece by Cipriano Rore (ca. 1550) in two renderings: "Santa Claus" and "Bugs Bunny"
    CD: Miroirs 2
    "Miroirs VIII - Leftodavel"genre: Contemporary
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    For cembalo. Looks like I got this piece out of Conlon Nancarrow's dumpster one day he probably had an headache attack. The piece evolves from atonality to a kind of spanish firework in E major. Production: July 2001
    CD: Miroirs 1
    "The Retrograde Planets - MarsRam"genre: Contemporary
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    Mars by G.Holst, time reversed and and pitch class mirrored through a custom software, and arranged for 2 pianos and percussion. Realization: September 2002
    CD: Third-Hand Music
    Credits: Gustav Holst; David Siu for the original MIDI file
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