The girl; the gig; the rush. The waterfall; the wondering; the bittersweet adrenalin. You had it all. It disappeared. The water's warm; you slip right in. And in that still moment before the sharks come out, before there's nothing left to do but break down and cry, consider this: odin red have thoughtfully provided the soundtrack. |
CD: Forget About The Stars
Label: RipChord Records
Credits: (c) 2000 odin red/RipChord Publishing (SOCAN) |
Good 'ol white trash rock and roll |
CD: Forget About The Stars
Label: RipChord Records
Credits: (c) 2000 odin red/RipChord Publishing (SOCAN) |
Maximum R & R |
CD: Forget About The Stars
Label: RipChord Records
Credits: (c) 2000 odin red/RipChord Publishing (SOCAN) |