All must end with emptiness, as we all face death, alone ...
A gloom and doom heavy musical juggernaut with a full orchestral spectrum,
from brass and woods to strings and timpani. Dark epic soulsearching.
Prepare to face Emptiness ! |
CD: Missing Link
Label: Sweet Distortion Records
A fast and furious straigh-ahead track about nightmares and visions.
Catchy riffs that make you wanna jump up and smash your elbows in
someone's else face. All in the name of a good mosh pit.
The lyrical resume of the Missing Link album.
CD: Missing Link
Label: Sweet Distortion Records
A rap-metal song from a mostly non-rap metal band.
Grooving bass lines and catchy chorus make this song
a favourite of the more alternative music MTV crowd.
We won't be a Limp Bizkit clone anytime soon,
though this one track is like a heavy LB song.
Shove it up your loudmouth!
CD: Missing Link
Label: Sweet Distortion Records