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    "Misery makes me mean by Mohi"genre: Alternative General
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    "Do not complain of the mean and petty, for regardless of what you have been told, the mean and the petty are everywhere in control," - Goethe
    Credits: Mohi & Tia words, Music by Mohi copyright 2003 all rights reserved
    "Broken Doll by Mohi"  Parental Advisorygenre: Alternative General
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    "You are the gate of hell, the unsealer of the forbidden tree, the first deserter of divine law." - Lord Chesterfield
    Credits: Mohi & Tia words, Music Mohi copyright 2003 all rights reserved
    "Dance All Night"genre: Alternative General
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    Credits: Tia/Mohi Words, Music by Mohi Copyright 2003 all rights reserved
    "The Children Cry"genre: Rock
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    "The proper measure with which to judge any and all human beings is that they are really creatures who should not exist at all..." - Anaximander
    Credits: Mohi words and music copyright 2003 all rights reserved
    "Sold My Soul by Mohi"genre: Alternative General
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    "Look to the end, no matter what it is you are considering. Often enough God gives a man a glimps of happiness, and then utterly ruins him." - Solon
    Credits: Mohi & Tia words, Music by Mohi copyright 2003 all rights reserved
    "Mohi - Why Should We Care"  Parental Advisorygenre: Alternative General
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    "What Thales and Anaxagoras know will be considered unusual, astonishing, difficult and divine, but never useful, for their concern was not with the good of humanity" - Aristotle
    Credits: Mohi words and music copyright 2003 all rights reserved
    "What I Am"  Parental Advisorygenre: Alternative Hip Hop
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    Credits: Mohi words and music copyright 2003 all rights reserved
    "Mohi - Dead Spacemen - Club Mix"genre: Club
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    "I was glowing, but she couldn't see!" - Yusuke
    Credits: Mohi copyright 2003 all rights reserved
    "Mohi__Way it is"  Parental Advisorygenre: Rap
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    "I caused the good things; the bad things were forced upon me" - Fritz Heider CD: Cell Mates - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: Mohi (words and music) Copyright 2003 all rights reserved
    "All Our Lives"genre: Dub
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    Credits: Mohi copyright 2003 all rights reserved
    "Mohi - Dead Spacemen"genre: Industrial Electronic
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    "Compare those who take great risks in hope of gaining some small advantage to a man who fishes with a golden hook, though aware nothing he can catch will be valuable enough to justify it's loss." - Augustus Caesar
    Credits: Mohi copyright 2003 all rights reserved
    "All Our Lives_ReMix"genre: Dub
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    Credits: Mohi copyright 2003 all rights reserved
    "Falling"genre: Industrial Rock
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    add to My.MP3add to My.MP3 CD: Cell Mates - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: Mohi copyright 2003 all rights reserved
    "Little Red Wings"genre: Guitar Rock
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    add to My.MP3add to My.MP3 CD: Cell Mates - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: Mohi music copyright 2002 all rights reserved
    "just another lover"genre: Alternative General
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    add to My.MP3add to My.MP3 CD: Cell Mates - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: Mohi words and music copyright 2002 all rights reserved
    "Do you love me anymore"genre: Alternative General
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    Credits: Mohi words and music copyright 2002 all rights reserved
    "Take a look at yourself"genre: Experimental/Post Rock
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    "From copse to copse I crawl and creep now worthless. Who knows how highly I'll be heralded one day." - Harold Hardrada CD: Cell Mates - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: Mohi words and music copyright 2002 all rights reseved
    "I want to see a devil cry"genre: Industrial Rock
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    "Kill every man between that bald head and the other over there!" - Gaius (Caligula)
    Credits: words and music by Mohi copyright 2002 all rights reserved
    "dear police by Mohi"genre: Industrial Rock
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    "The responsibility for a martial host of a million lies in one man. He is the trigger of it's spirit." - Wu Ch'i
    Credits: Mohi words and music copyright 2002 all rights reserved
    "Tribal Rain"genre: Dub
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    "Not man, but water is the reality of all things." - Thales
    Credits: Mohi
    "Holding On"genre: Down Tempo
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    Credits: Mohi
    "Machine"genre: Down Tempo
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    "There can be no movement from one place to another, for if there were such movement, we would have a perfect infinity, but this is an impossibility." - Zeno
    Credits: Mohi
    "E Tronic (live)"genre: Electro
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    Credits: Mohi
    "Dance In A Trance With Me Tonight"genre: Dance
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    add to My.MP3add to My.MP3 CD: Blending In Acting Normal - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Blending in acting normal
    Credits: Mohi (song) Cynthia Colon (vocals)
    "7 minus 1"genre: Industrial Rock
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    "Generaly speaking, it is quite right if great things-things much sense for men of rare sense-are expressed but briefly and (hence) darkly, so that barren minds will declare it to be nonsense, rather than to translate it into a nonsense that they can comprehend. For mean, vulgar minds have an ugly facility for seeing in the profoundest and most pregnant utterance only their own everyday opinion." - Jean Paul CD: Cell Mates - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: Mohi copyright 2002 all rights reserved
    "Godzilla vs Calligula"genre: Industrial Rock
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    "Whereas Pompey declared that all who were not actively with the government were against it and would be treated as public enemies,Caesar announced that all who were not actively against him were with him." - Suetonius
    Credits: Mohi
    "End of Summer"genre: Dance
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    Credits: Mohi (song) Radio Scandinavia & Bilberry (parts of the melody)
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