Finally a song that beckons to be 'cued' over and again. 'Rely on Love' may best depict the early QGlass sound. Mesmerizing guitar work and serated vocals accentuate the heavy-duty percussive arsenal of the Qglass rhythm section. |
CD: Nights on Qglass (EP)
Label: Reeject Records
The sophistication of jazz or symphony poised against aggressive break-beats. Abrupt yet haunting with ecletic instrumentation that lends a remarkably sinister charm. |
CD: Nights on Qglass (EP)
Label: Reeject Records
This arrangement, previously known as the "crystolized" version, was originally only available on the short 'Nights On'... demo. Several clubs disallowed play of the number. Still a few relentless DJ's cranked the disorienting mix. When pushed the establishment weakly insisted that the title encouraged substance abuse. Now thanks to Mp3.com this rare recording is once more available for all. |
CD: Nights on Qglass (demo)