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The Silverfish Project | mp3.com/TheSilverfishProject |
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If you really want to get in contact with us instant messange me with AIM at Ender3498, or Matt at O X QuitteR X O, or Brad at SuperMan658 either one of us is cool to get in conact with, one of us is always online, so ya thanks bye! News!!!!2-14-03 Well we played Misconception for drummer man Brad's Mr. Wootton talent portion. After a little trouble with the damn amp we jammed it out! Lots of people congradulated us today about our single song performance! 1-16-03 we are re-recording all of our songs so they won't have any mistakes or theory error in it, exciting huh? those should be up sometime within the end of this month and early next month. 1-14-03 we will be playing at Wootton Highschool's Mr. Wootton a male beauty pagent i guess you could say. Our drummer was nominated so for his talent The Silverfish Project will be playing! good stuff 1-6-03 OMG!! HAPPY NEW YEAR! but yeah besides that, we recently got on a compliation album that is being put out by Kid Antrim Music, it isn't a publicly distributed but it will be sent to a bunch of radio stations and record labels which is pretty cool. Now... since that has all happened we just recently blew the dust off our instruments and re-jammed out Misconception and Take My Hand. Also for real in the next little bit we will be pumping out new songs which will be promptly put up on here. Yeah so that's the much needed update that was needed. 4-29-02 Guess what? this weekend we are going to start producing our first cd...(5-4-02). The CD will be entitled "Knee Deep In Yellow Snow" with probably 8 tracks, a little later i will put up the track listing. 3-24-02 We are working on a new song called Just Like All The Other Girls so watch for it! 2-10-02 We recorded a demo for a new song entitled "Take My Hand" it should be up in about 10 days or so (curses mp3.com). Hopefully you all will enjoy it. ta ta! *huggles!* 1-1-02 1:36 AM HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I hope your new year shindigs went well. We played our only song at my friends party everyone seemed to enjoy it, well at least no one kicked us in the head telling us to stop, so I assumed we were good. But yeah happy new year *huggles*. 12-11-01 We are working on a new song at the moment called "Dissconnected." I'm about to go post the demo of it so you all can get a taste of what it will sound like.
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