Before we begin, we in no way are implying anything against Mr. Peter Lynch. Crazy Dave's imitation is purely fictitious and in no way is meant to represent Mr. Lynch's personality or demeanor. As a matter of fact we believe Mr. Lynch is a wonderful person and a great investor.
In this bit, Blinky talks to his idol Peter Lynch, (impersonation by Crazy Dave), on the phone.
Peter gives him an earful and Blinky is, as usual, confused. |
MP3.com CD: Binghamton B: The Last Reunion - buy it!
CD: Binghamton Blues: The Last Reunion
Credits: ©1991 The Legend Crazy Dave Productions |
B and Alex are both living with this Asian guy named LaSung and B does not like LaSung at all. So B tells his "brother" Alex to confront LaSung with the news. |
MP3.com CD: Binghamton B: The Last Reunion - buy it!
CD: Binghamton Blues: The Last Reunion
Credits: ©1991 The Legend Crazy Dave Productions |
This skit is a reenactment of an actual crazy situtation which happened in college over 10 years ago. Crazy Dave wants to find out what Neville really thinks of him. So being the Legend, Dave hides in Neville's closet and tells Alex, Neville's roommate, to ask Neville about how he feels about Dave.
Neville goes off on Dave and Dave surprises him by jumping out of the closet and nearly giving Neville a heart attack. |
MP3.com CD: Binghamton B: The Last Reunion - buy it!
CD: Binghamton Blues: The Last Reunion
Credits: ©1991 The Legend Crazy Dave Productions |