A new composition which looks at the reality of a lifelong relationship. Probably Anthony's most commercial song to-date. |
CD: Shangri-La Blues
Credits: All Words and Music by Anthony Sica |
Think Beatles, Lennon, Bee Gees, Incredible vocals, lush guitars...what Anthony has wanted to write for twenty years. |
CD: Shangri-La Blues
Credits: Words & Music by Anthony Sica |
Modern mantra-like blues/rock dirge which kicks ass in the most poetic way. |
CD: Shangri-La Blues
Credits: Words & Music By Anthony Sica |
An inspirational acoustic ballad of a man who's been devastated by life, loss and love but still finds life, new love and a world much better than before through the eyes of his angel. Incredible Hook in the Chorus...you will hum it all day. |
MP3.com CD: Sixes & Sevens - buy it!
CD: Sixes & Sevens
Credits: Music & Lyrics Written by Anthony Sica. Vocals & Guitars by Anthony Sica with Background Vocals by Lisa Wilson. |
An edgy alt-rocker with great Pete Townshend-like guitar riffs which takes a jab at the reality of relationships and the true glue that binds them together.. |
MP3.com CD: Sixes & Sevens - buy it!
CD: Sixes & Sevens
Credits: Music & Lyrics Written & Performed Exclusively By Anthony Sica |
Haunting tale of fear told by a trembling voice afraid of losing the only person in life actually matters. Great guitar, great vocals, very emotional. Acoustic tear jerker. |
MP3.com CD: Sixes & Sevens - buy it!
CD: Sixes & Sevens
Credits: Music & Lyrics Written and Performed Exclusively By Anthony Sica |
Gut-wrenching, Eddie Vedderesque, grungy ode to a woman who saved a man from his demons. Has a great hooky Beatles/Byrds like chorus. |
MP3.com CD: Sixes & Sevens - buy it!
CD: Sixes & Sevens
Credits: Music & Lyrics Written and Performed entirely by Anthony Sica. |
One man's gut wrenching yet beautiful search for true love and the wonderful surprise he gets when he finds it. Very Beatlesque.. |
MP3.com CD: Sixes & Sevens - buy it!
CD: Sixes & Sevens
Credits: Music & Lyrics Written & Performed By Anthony Sica, with Additional Vocals By Lisa Wilson |
Bluesy Dirge dedicated to Daddy, it's about regret, redemption and forgivenessÄ |
MP3.com CD: Sixes & Sevens - buy it!
CD: Sixes & Sevens
Credits: Music & Lyrics Written & Performed Exclusively By Anthony Sica. |
Soulful yet comedic duet about the harsh realities of life featuring Anthony & Lisa on vocals.F |
MP3.com CD: Sixes & Sevens - buy it!
CD: Sixes & Sevens
Credits: Music & Lyrics Written & Performed By Anthony Sica, with additional vocals by lisa Wilson. |