A few funny samples, a ghetto blaster opening made by the bot, and some crazy on-the-fly mixing make this one kickass Intelligent Dance song |
CD: That's no DJ! That's my dog!
Credits: Mikey Chimpanzee - everything. what did you expect? |
I did this song a while ago, i don't even remember my motivation......i thought it was DECENT. |
Credits: me MWA HA HA HA |
This song reminded me of some rave music, but it is too lo-fi to be a rave song. And so I thought about how much of a raving loser I am, drinking punch... |
CD: none
Label: none
Credits: Mikey Chimpanzee - Everything, Some other people - Samples. they were free samples from samplearena.com so they don't deserve credit. low-life scums! |