Encourages individuals to take a stand against the evil forces of our universe that encourage participation in that which opposes the goodness of God and His eternal plan for all of humanity |
CD: Via The Artist
Label: N\A
Credits: Mididex Productions, Dexter Moore |
A song dedicated to the many pastors, priest, evangelist, missionaries and church servants who have dedicated their lives to serving others in the gospel ministry. Their place is the 'Highest Call' of our day. |
CD: Via The Artist
Label: N\A
Credits: Mididex Productions, Dexter Moore for remix work |
A fast pace world easily throws off our focus, ultimately our focus upon the Creator from which we draw all we need. However, taking time daily (My Quiet Time) to meet Him, gives us the focus we need for all things. |
CD: Via The Artist
Label: N\A
Credits: Phase One Productions, Damon Bennett for remix work |