CD: swingers, winos, and sunday school teachers
Label: Big Action Records, Almost Good Music
first song on swingers, winos, and Sunday school teachers. |
CD: swingers, winos, sunday school teachers
Label: Big Action Records, Almost Good Music
CD: swingers, winos, sundayschool teachers
Label: Big Action Records, Almost Good Music
CD: swingers, winos, sunday school teachers
Label: Big Action Records, Almost Good Music
...topping the charts of your butt...this is their pop hit. |
CD: swingers, winos, and sunday school teachers
Label: Big Action Records, Almost Good Music
song from our new album... |
CD: Unreleased
Label: Big Action Records.
Fast then metal then fast followed by a little happy then fast then faster. |
CD: I didn't know I had it in me
Label: Big Action Records
Credits: Straight+To+Your+brain |
Punky backbeat metalcore rock song. |
CD: I didn't know I had it in me
Label: Big Action Records
Credits: Straight+To+Your+Brain |
This was originally a ten minute long hippie jam. Our record company shortened it up a bit. SAVE US!!! |
CD: I didn't know I had it in me
Label: Big Action Records
Credits: Straight+To+Your+Brain |
Starts slow, gets fast and incoherant before you can grow to like it. |
CD: I didn't know I had it in me
Label: Big Action Records
Credits: Straight+To+Your+Brain |
Seven cups of surfy mad punk. Little fetti-cheese reggae at the end. A light sprinkle of butt. |
CD: I didn't know I had it in me
Label: Big Action Records
Credits: Straight+To+Your+Brain |
how many votes does it take to change a lightbulb.
the news shows us highlights of poor politicians every day, and people keep voting to give them more power. booo booo booo |
CD: I didn't know I had it in me
Label: Big Action Records
Credits: Straight+To+Your+Brain |
Dark evil fast then a nice little dance number...wrapped up in a short ugly song. |
CD: I didn't know I had it in me
Label: Big Action Records
Credits: Straight+To+Your+Brain |