This page was created as a way for fans and artists to help with the recovery efforts after the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001.
100% of the profits from the CD sales and plays from this page will go to the Chicago Tribune's Relief Fund which will add a 50% matching donation and distribute the funds.
If you have a song that you would like added to this page email
Bless You All and thank you for your support!
See the Video For "In Memorium, September 11th, 2001" by Deliciound here
We now have T-shirts, coffee cups, etc available here.
100% of profits help the survivors!
Hear Bin Ladin’s statements here!
Hear his spiritual advisor speak here.
Denyce Graves gave this reading of the Lord's Prayer at Britain's Memorial Service on September 14, 2001. | CD: We Will Never Forget - buy it!
Written for the victims of the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon in Washington DC, and the plane crash in Pennsylvania on September 11, 2001.
Please Visit |
CD: 1000 Angels
Credits: by Sarah Marie Klaren - |
The President addresses the nation immediately after American & British air forces first strike Taliban & Al Qaeda assets in Afghanistan. |