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Gabriela Kulka | mp3.com/gabrielakulka |
"King of Rats" is a new CD available. NOTE: all songs now available for download at http://kulka.iuma.com Singer, songwriter, psycho-babbler, pianist by accident, poet by need, musician by obligation. Click above if you'd like to find out about the recent updates on the music and its creator. "...Carried by Gabriela's ever-changing voice and wonderful piano arrangements, the emotional tides (...) sink deep into me - resistance seems more than futile , it is inappropriate. Powerful, fragile, sensitive, moving, frail, consuming, never indifferent. Songs that open up, bare all, and dare all. Gripping!..." - Christoph Lucker (Obliveon.de) You can also read the MetalUK interview Right Here. New! Visit Gabriela's mp3.com poetry page for some heartcore soundscapes. PLEASE also visit another mp3 page with brand new songs for download - http://kulka.iuma.com