Three songs from the "Delicatessen" release........... SEAWEED [How it feels to be ignored by the one you love. Gravelly vocals atop resonant bass and the reverberating sound of metallic teardrops. An Mp3.com 'Featured' Goth Song.] .......... GRIDLOCK [About losing the struggle to win over a lover. Seductive vocals lilt over a warm bass line and tingly strings.] .......... COURT ADJOURNMENT [An understated song about suicide. Features a simple bass line, shimmery strings and a vulnerable vocal line with a subtle eastern flavor.] |
CD: delicatessen
Label: eristikos
Credits: bare wire |
This track contains two songs from
the "Delicatessen" release: "Seaweed" and "Court Adjournment." |
CD: delicatessen
Label: eristikos
Credits: bare wire |
Entrancing vocals echoing across wide resonating bass, sparse piano and crispy strings. A song about surviving...
CD: delicatessen
Label: eristikos
Credits: bare wire |