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    Hope you have a great time here!---------Oh Yea, and BUY a CD----------------------. Barefootterry, and Little Creek Gold------There proud members of ASCAP.... ----------------- Mabye Jimmy Lovine, Gary Ashley, Don Henley, Peter Asher, Matthew Knowles, MO Austin, Herb Alpert, Mutt Lange, Randy Jackson, Fred Durst or Madonna could let me use a great studio? Micheal Jackson spent $30 million on production on his last CD.--- I got buy on a little less. -- :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***Thank God for ProTools, Digitech...& Riverside Studio A..(My House).... ***Winner of the Protools Users Award of Excelence!!!***-----/ Given the Guitar Wifes/ Widows Award of Splender. 27 years in a row!!!*** and *** The Studio Users Award for Recording on a Shoe String Budget Award. ("That was the one that touched my heart") ----------------------------------------- *****-I Just Love Playing Guitar..** I like unique and original tunage. Help me get into a great studio and a contract, Play them on the radio, and buy a CD. ------------------------------------ -----------The Truth is, I dont want to be a millionare, (a four hundred thousandare would do)!!------- If you would like to use one of these songs; place this after the song name--------------------------Little Creek Gold(ASCAP)----- and please contact me at the ----Contact clicker thingie---up there. I can send you a chart or a base file ----P.S. I've got 25 more songs to load.------------------------------ **All songs are (c)LCG(ASCAP)& Barefootterry ------------------------------so get them played, please!---The lo-fi files quality are so lo they dont even sound as if they are the correct mix. The file must be herd as original on the CD. bot if you wish a taste the lofi will do but to make a real decision listen to a CD. .............. I also, work on a --per track---per song---basis. In all functions. and provide web site background music. To add an extra POP to your viewers experience to your page. Contact me at the clicker thingie up there. --------Take care of yourself people, ------------If you have a track or tracks and need a producer, drop me a line. *More importantly have a good time listening to these tunes, buy a CD and rock like Humble Pie did-----Terry
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    "BraveWarmanJump(c)02 LCG(ascap)(Full)"genre: Classic Rock
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    (c)2002LCG (ascap)For the men and women in uniform and the ones who fight in country as covert operatives. We love you people. Thank You for defending my/our country.... Also for the Company Men/Women, who lay their lives on the line for me, as their duties in special forces take them into harms way at the front line and on the ground in small groups. God bless you men and women who have the stones to do so. May you all come home.
    CD: Analog Big Knobs U.S.A.
    Credits: written/ Recorded/ all instruments played/ Produced by Barefootterry
    "Brave Warman Jump(c)02LCG(ascap)Radio"genre: Power Metal
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    For the men and women in uniform and the ones who fight in country as covert operatives. We love you people. Thank You for defending my/our country.... Also for the Company Men/Women, who lay their lives on the line for me, as their duties in special forces take them into harms way at the front line and on the ground in small groups. God bless you men and women who have the stones to do so. May you all come home. This version shortened for Radio play.
    CD: Analog Big Knobs U.S.A.
    Credits: written/ Recorded/ all instruments played/ Produced by Barefootterry
    "Watch TV Upstairs (c)2001LCG(ascap) rave"genre: Euro Dance
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    This is the Loud Rave version. It is for headphones and live live live shows, and of course; girls/ladies to shake it by. Theres a space for djs to add talking just after the first fill. Have a great time dancing to this one. PS. The lo-fi play is mono and will not bring the stereo pans to your ears. later. ****************************************** As the inspration for this song was comming to me, I was playing it and my wife was pissed that I was playing in the living room and told the kids to Watch Tv Upstairs. I love her. This is the first mix. Have fun with it and dont forget to remember the source. ------***(c)2002LittleCreekGold(Ascap)Barefootterry. CD: Analog Big Knobs - buy it!buy it! CD: AnalogBigKnobs(c)2001LCGascap - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: Written/ Mixed/ Engineered/ all Instruments played/ Post Production, and Produced by Barefootterry
    "Knock Me Down radio version"genre: Electric Blues
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    #1 in its Genre (radio) Jan19,20,26,28--2/2-6 2002 A Protest song written after the WTO missunderstanding in Seatlle Hold your rights to free assembly even in an age of terorists and anarcist's. Citizens, Union people and Students shall not be afraid to freely assemble and speak their mind. This delicate balance of our rights even when crooks are breaking glass will be dificult but we will not forget the past and will survive. Please dont forget where this came from, the site, or the event!! The Full version is available at the bottom of this page.. (c)2001 Little Creek Gold (ascap), Barefootterry CD: Analog Big Knobs - buy it!buy it! CD: Knock Me Down EP (c)Ascap2001 - buy it!buy it! CD: Knock Me Down single(c)Ascap - buy it!buy it! CD: AnalogBigKnobs(c)2001LCGascap - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: Written/ Performed/ Mixed and Produced on Protools by Barefootterry
    "Alpha Male (c)2001LCG(ascap)"genre: Classic Rock
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    What the Alpha Male or Alpha Female thinks about. Steven Tyler, I want you to sing this one?. Call Me. No realy hun its not about me. This kind of life I have left behind. (c)2001Barefootterry, LittleCreekGold(ascap) CD: Analog Big Knobs - buy it!buy it! CD: AnalogBigKnobs(c)2001LCGascap - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: Written/ Performed/ Mixed/ Produced on the Tools by Barefootterrry
    "Yellow Melons (c)2001LCG(ascap)"genre: Country Blues
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    this is a true story. We were bored one night and driving arround. That field was to tempting and we drove up and grabbed one, threw it in the trunk. The farmer came driving up, as his headlights got bigger, we were trapped. We owned up to it and he let us off. Nice guy. CD: Analog Big Knobs - buy it!buy it! CD: AnalogBigKnobs(c)2001LCGascap - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: Written/ instruments played/ mixed/ produced by Barefootterry
    "Leah live"genre: Instrumental Rock
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    She was a little girl across the street, in Portland. She had alot of energy. Her dad was our manager for a while, back then. She was always running around the place, playing and was just the happiest kid.. here's to ya kid. ------(p)1976 (c)ASCAP2001Barefootterry, LittleCreekGold CD: Analog Big Knobs - buy it!buy it! CD: Leah live single - buy it!buy it! CD: AnalogBigKnobs(c)2001LCGascap - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: Performed by Sunstorm. Mixed live on Denny's Sony 2 track reeltoreel by a couple of hot babes, Karen and Sally. Live Recording Engineering/ Post Production on The Tools by Barefootterry.......
    "No More Pain (c)2001LCG(ascap)"genre: Christian Blues
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    some day no cryin no pain Come Back Today First cut version (c)ASCAP2001Barefootterry, LittleCreekGold CD: Analog Big Knobs - buy it!buy it! CD: AnalogBigKnobs(c)2001LCGascap - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Analog Big Knobs
    Credits: Written/ Performed/ Mixed/ and Produced on Protools by Barefootterry
    "The Trail"genre: North American
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    We were not there, but we feel this terrible feeling that something went wrong, And there's no way to fix it. So tell me, How do we say, Im sorry. When so much is gone. Can We? We must go on. (c)2002Ascap Barefootterry, LittleCreekGold CD: Analog Big Knobs - buy it!buy it! CD: The Trail - buy it!buy it! CD: Knock Me Down EP (c)Ascap2001 - buy it!buy it! CD: AnalogBigKnobs(c)2001LCGascap - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: Base track written, Instruments played, engeneering, total mix, post production by Barefootterry,/ Samples from Wahya, recorded at Wolf Studio, include- For a Dance, That Coyote Dream and Ghost Dance/ Cherokee Dream by Dreamwever./ Thank you, for the use of them.There urls are listed at the song title..
    "For My Lover"genre: Movies
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    #1 in is Genre 2/3/02 Its not perfect, but neither am I. The melody is one cut, unaltered. There are bumps in it but, I thought id just leave it alone. (c)ASCAP2001Barefootterry, LittleCreekGold CD: Analog Big Knobs - buy it!buy it! CD: AnalogBigKnobs(c)2001LCGascap - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: Written/ Mixed/ Performed and Produced by Barefootterry
    "Crystal Sea"genre: Adult Contemporary
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    Stand and throw a penny into the Crystal Sea. (c)2001Ascap LittleCreekGold CD: Analog Big Knobs - buy it!buy it! CD: AnalogBigKnobs(c)2001LCGascap - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: Written/ Performed/ Mixed/ Produced By Barefootterry
    "Interlude meditation (c)2001LCG(ascap)"genre: Web Sites
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    just something to calm you in this hustle bustle world. Kick your shoes off and gruuuuve,--- If you want a challenge-- download this track. Mix your instrument with it and send it back. I will post it here. I will include your name or not, let me know if you want it downloadable. Looking for sax, cello, flute, banjo, whatever you feel moved to add. also /with the mix, send an additional .mp3/.wav. file, of just your part, and i'll build a massive, total sender, mix. This is just for fun so, if you are an ass just dont send anything. I'll give musical credit to anyone who lays down a track. Thanks, bye. (c)2001,LittleCreekGold(ascap) CD: Analog Big Knobs - buy it!buy it! CD: AnalogBigKnobs(c)2001LCGascap - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Analog Big Knobs(c)2001,2002LCG(ascap), Knock Me Down EP(c)2001LCG(ascap)
    Credits: Written/ Played/ Mixed and Produced by Barefootterry
    "America the Beautiful (Instrumental)"genre: Americana
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    A Great song for a Great Country. Words: Katharine Lee Bates 1859-1929 Music: Samuel A Ward 1847-1903 CD: Knock Me Down (c)01LCG(ascap) - buy it!buy it! CD: Analog Big Knobs U.S.A. - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: Perry Cole-Piano, Pat Tapia-Percussion / Recorded live and Produced by Barefootterry
    "Splunkin 4"genre: General Jazz
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    For background music in DV units, have a listen. Just remember to use the copyright--- (c)2002LCG(ascap) CD: Analog Big Knobs - buy it!buy it!
    "Professional Student"genre: Tropical
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    just a gruve to study to CD: AnalogBigKnobs(c)2001LCGascap - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: Written, instruments played, recorded, mixed and post production by Barefootterry
    "False Prophet"genre: Power Metal
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    guitar demo this is a work in process thought id give it some air. I need help with the words here. (c)2001Barefootterry, LittleCreekGold(ASCAP)
    Credits: Written/Performed/ Recorded original Teac 4 track by Barefootterry / Post Production on the tools by Barefootterry
    "Mourning of the Prophet (c)2001"genre: Spiritual
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    Is you is or is you aint. (c)ASCAP2001Barefootterry, Little Creek Gold
    Credits: Edited / Music Written / Performed / noisey mix care of boss's little blue compressor / Produced on Protools by Barefootterry
    "Repent and Follow the L(c)2001LCG(ascap)"genre: Christian Rock
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    demo in process (c)2001Barefootterry,LittleCreekGold(ascap)
    Credits: teac 4 trac base tracks/ Written/ Performed/ Postproduction and Production on Protools by Barefootterry....
    "I Love You inAb (c)2001 LCG(ascap)"genre: Love Songs
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    Simple, and so am I This melody lead is one cut and unaltered. (c)2001Barefootterry, LittleCreekGold CD: Analog Big Knobs - buy it!buy it! CD: AnalogBigKnobs(c)2001LCGascap - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: Written / Performed / Noisey mix on a teac 4track / Remixed / and Produced on the Protools by Barefootterry
    "Morning of the Profit (c)2001LCG(ascap)"genre: Groove
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    Thoughtful things on IPO profit-taking (c)2001Barefootterry, Little Creek Gold (ascap)
    Credits: Written/ Played/ Noisey mix on a teac 4 track/ Post Production and Produced on Protools by Barefootterry
    "The Pox (c)2001LCG(ascap)"genre: Guitar Rock
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    My middle son had the chicken pox and was real bad off. I prayed over him, He did recover. Hey, send me a lead part for this if you feel like a callenge and I'll make a mix and post it. (c)ASCAP2001Barefootterry, LittleCreekGold
    Credits: Teac 4 trackbase tracks/ Written/ Performed/ Produced and Post Production on Protools by Barefootterry
    "Zero Sum (c)2001LCG(ascap)"genre: Instrumental Rock
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    the molicules beat each other up till just the strong ones survive. a demo that still needs some help. work in process (c)ASCAP2001Barefootterry, LittleCreek
    Credits: Written/ Performed/ Mixed/ Produced on Protools by Barefootterry
    "Some built like this. live"genre: Electric Blues
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    Sing it Tony----- (p)1976 (p)2001 littlecreekgold
    Credits: Performed live by Sunstorm. Live mix by those hotties Karen and Sally. Mixed/ Engineered/ Recorded live on Denny's Sony 2 track reeltoreel/ Post Production and Produced on Protools by Barefootterry
    "Watching TV Upstairs (c)2001LCG(ascap)"genre: Instrumental Rock
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    It is for headphones and live live live shows, and of course; girls/ladies to shake it by. Have a great time dancing to this one. PS. The lo-fi play is mono and will not bring the stereo pans to your ears. later.
    Credits: Written/ Mixed/ Engineered/ all Instruments played/ Post Production, and Produced by Barefootterry
    "Knock Me Down full version"genre: World Fusion
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    A protest song about the WTO missunderstanding in Seattle This includes the words from the young women who were filming the scene and were pepper sprayed. Please dont forget where this comes from, the site or the event. God Bless. (c)Little Creek Gold(ascap),Barefootterry
    Credits: Written/ Performed/ Mixed and Produced on Protools by Barefootterry
    "No More Pain (c)ascap2001"genre: Electric Blues
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    some day no cryin no pain First cut version (c)ASCAP2001Barefootterry, LittleCreekGold
    CD: Analog Big Knobs
    Credits: Written/ Performed/ Mixed/ and Produced on Protools by Barefootterry
    "Watch TV Upstairs"genre: Hard Dance
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    As the inspration for this song was comming to me, I was playing it and my wife was pissed that I was playing in the living room and told the kids to Watch Tv Upstairs. I love her. This is the first mix. I left a space in the begining for you dj's to talk over. just after the first fill. have fun with it and dont forget to remember the source. ------(c)LittleCreekGold Ascap 2002. CD: AnalogBigKnobs(c)2001LCGascap - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: Inspration/ music written/ riffs/ played all intruments/ engineered/ mixed and produced on the Tools by Barefootterry and Studio A
    "The Pox full ver(c)2001"genre: Guitar Rock
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    This is the demo full version. My middle son had the chicken pox and was real bad off. He did recover. (c)ASCAP2001Barefoottery, LittleCreekGold
    Credits: Teac 4 trackbase tracks/ Written/ Performed/ Produced and Post Production on Protools by Barefootterry
    "Splunkin 1"genre: Instrumental Rock
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    Background music for God knows what.Just some junk I had layin arround.
    Credits: Written/ instrument played/ mixed/ engenered/ post production by Barefootterry
    "Splunkin 3"genre: Instrumental Rock
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    Just some splunkin from me.
    Credits: Written/ mixed/ instruments and bad notes played by/ engeneered/ post production by Barefootterry
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