Kitshickers are a young band from Luxembourgwho recently released their first CD. They areone of the leading Luxembourgian alternative bands and have their homepage athttp://home3.freegates.be/kitshickers_page/ |
CD: Mental Rape
Label: (DIY)
Credits: Kitshickers |
S.U.M.B. stands for Something Under My Bed,and these young people play really spookyexperimental noise rock that makes your spineshiver. |
CD: Le Pop Noir
Label: (DIY)
Credits: Something Under My Bed |
Surf Me Up, Scotty! are Luxembourg's only surfband, and at nights you can see them ridingthe high waves of the Alzette river. After aninitial 7"-EP, they finally released theirfirst self-produced CD. |
CD: Music To Get Wiped Out By
Label: Backwash / Amoeba
Credits: S.M.U.S. |