The Tragic Tale Of Mr Syd Barrett....
But His Music Change Everything 4 Me (Charlie*) |
MP3.com CD: ThEe SuGaR CuBe KiD E.P. - buy it!
CD: *ThE SuGaR CuBe KiD E.P.*
Label: Yet Another Spare Bedroom/Planet Ross Production (c) 2002
Credits: Yarlian (Charlie 2 Some), Jules Kaos (Area 39), Ross (Planet Ross), Dr Robert. |
A Live track recorded in 1 take...with a MiNi~DiSk pLaYeR...My 7 yR OlD SuN pLaYIn the yAmAhA pss31, UnPlUgGeD GuiTaR, T.v. TuRnEd uP Hi, 2pm traffic passing by my window here in dear OlD Bristol, THE kind vision of mr Kaos who went 2 the trouble of making this wee tOoN LIVE HERE IN tHeE CyBeR VoId!
O' YeA AnD A HeAd fuLL of bUst fEeLiNgSZzZz* |
CD: ThE buIsNeSs oF Is~NeSs E.P.
Label: neArLy, SoOn*
Credits: Dr Charlie/Thee Louis |
MP3.com CD: Pityful Life - buy it!
CD: Pityful Life
Label: A Studio 8 Production
Credits: Dr Charlie / Dr Robert |