New song "Resolution" appearing soon. This is really bullshit, so don't even bother. Or you can also download just to laugh at me.
You can still find more really lame shit at Don't Click Here and Don't Click Here Either. Look for good shit soon.
tennessee working horse : roll to this naught : katabatic windshield : impossible oven : identical gel caps : speck : everyone in the room was not quite sitting but squatting : fortunate cookies : this will seem in or out of that which : veldt in grey : silent breathing : soft pelage : pinochle : odious ship biscuit : eternal truantry : smell what : drinkable potable dispensible : faulty by whim :
CD: Multitalentless: Daliy Demos II
Label: Pure Greed Records
Credits: Mbeanis N Alzin |
call to quarters to call : modicum of wit : iterative affliction : the words that hold me back : saw it coming from to : the page to which a book loves to open : pubcrawling for hours : recruited : caught in the chocolate tree : bipolar order : poke a hundred : difficulties with a regardant faucet : foreign world affairs : efflorescence versus anthesis : a badger eating his own foot :
in this sweltering heat : cherry bombs of intelligence : scaling the walls of paradise : professionally unintrusive : belts : not to be confused with : smile you need a raise : barebreasted incontinent : nobody seems to know anything : for the left : unintrusive and pedigree : bet : telescoping antelope : not to sound brash : subconscious birthmark : don't think too hard : perseverance pays poorly : sugar mispelled : forgot : unintelligible and familiar : look for near you : |
CD: Multitalentless: Daily Demos Vol. II
Label: Pure Greed Records
Credits: Mbeanis |