Battle rhymin' at its fines! 3 kings represent again with anotha banger! of the 3 kings rep (Dizzy) with guest spots by MPossible an Sonny West. |
CD: Next Level
Label: IRz Productions
Credits: produced by Red Dizzy for IRz Productions |
A quick shout out from Dizzy of the 3 Kings and MPossible. This is an interlude that plays right after Rhymin Tungz. King$! |
CD: Next Level
Label: IRz Productions
Credits: produced by MPossible for IRz Productions |
Finally! A track with all 3 king$! Red Dizzy, Fear Flesh, and ReflexWon combine to drop Desert of the Real, a hip-hop exchange of weaponry. |
CD: Next Level
Label: IRz Productions
Credits: produced by Red Dizzy for IRz Productions |