Rockin' punky-popish song that will have you jumpin and singin along! |
Label: World Hit Records
Credits: All writing credits, vocals, acoustic guitars: Sarah Marie Klaren; feat. guitar solo by Jacob Ivester; programming by Keith Martin |
Killer electric guitars mixed with an R&B beat, great piano line, and powerful vocals with tight harmonies |
Label: World Hit Records
Credits: Lyrics & vocals: Sarah Marie Klaren; music & programming by Keith Martin |
Funky acoustic song with catchy lyrics. |
Ever been in love with someone, not told them, lost touch, then see them again years later, finally with enough guts to tell them, but then find out they're taken? |
Ever felt like, after breaking up, you just couldn't replace the person? Well, that's how I felt when I wrote this song. Now, however, I never want to see his face again. *LOL* I have another song for that, which is almost finished...but anyways... |
My newest song, "All Eyes On You," performed LIVE on the radio station B93.1 FM on the morning show with Cruise 'N Good |
Credits: Lyrics & Music: Sarah Marie Klaren |
A touching rendition of the song by Jewel.
(used with authorized licensed permission) |
MP3.com CD: 1000 Angels - buy it! MP3.com CD: Metallic - buy it!
CD: Metallic
Credits: written by Jewel. All vocals & instruments performed by Sarah Marie Klaren |
CD: (unreleased)
Label: independant
Credits: written by Sarah Marie Klaren; all vocals and instruments by Sarah Marie Klaren |
Written for the victims of the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon in Washington DC, and the plane crash in Pennsylvania on September 11, 2001. |
MP3.com CD: 1000 Angels - buy it!
CD: MP3.com exclusive
Credits: written by Sarah Marie Klaren; all vocals and instruments by Sarah Marie Klaren |
A pop/rock song with edgy lyrics and electric guitar riffs. Think "Michelle Branch" style. |
MP3.com CD: Metallic - buy it!
CD: Metallic
Credits: written by Sarah Marie Klaren; all vocals and instruments by Sarah Marie Klaren |
An acoustic song with a deeper meaning. Bet you can't guess what it's about... |
MP3.com CD: 1000 Angels - buy it! MP3.com CD: Metallic - buy it!
CD: Metallic
Label: independant
Credits: written by Sarah Marie Klaren; all vocals and instruments by Sarah Marie Klaren |
Very Dido-ish song featuring intense bass and whispy flute-like synthesized instrument and awesome urban beat. |
MP3.com CD: Metallic - buy it!
CD: Metallic
Label: independant
Credits: written by Sarah Marie Klaren; all vocals and instruments by Sarah Marie Klaren |
This is a true story song! I wrote this song about someone I fell in love with, and am still in love with today. But he didn't love me back the way I so badly wanted him to. I hope that when he listened to this song, he will realize that I will "always feel this way, even if he never feels the same." |
MP3.com CD: Metallic - buy it!
CD: Metallic
Credits: written by Sarah Marie Klaren; all vocals and instruments by Sarah Marie Klaren |
Relaxing love song with mystical piano and violens, and great harmonies. |
MP3.com CD: Metallic - buy it!
CD: Metallic
Label: independant
Credits: written by Sarah Marie Klaren; all vocals and instruments by Sarah Marie Klaren |
Funky dance remix of an originally slow love song. |
MP3.com CD: Metallic - buy it!
CD: Metallic
Label: independant
Credits: written by Sarah Marie Klaren; all vocals and instruments by Sarah Marie Klaren |
Bass level set above treble sets the mood. |
MP3.com CD: Metallic - buy it!
CD: Metallic
Label: independant
Credits: written by Sarah Marie Klaren; all vocals and instruments by Sarah Marie Klaren |
Upbeat pop/rock song with "metallic" sounding guitars. |
MP3.com CD: Metallic - buy it!
CD: Metallic
Credits: written by Sarah Marie Klaren; all vocals and instruments by Sarah Marie Klaren |