Oriental percussions & the GuitarGardenOrchestra - 90 BPM |
Look how they sparkle , the stars up there! Psycadelic alpine cowbellringing on trippy lofi beats & funky brassy sounding guitars BPM 85 |
Nylonstrings in a slices & cuts enviroment 65 BPM |
Funky SB 404 , breaky beats , Axes & oriantal melodies 130 BPM |
Modal played guitars doubled with synths
on a smooth electric picking carpet
- 70 BPM |
I have used an amazing freeware VST-plug in imitating the chanting of Tibetan Zen Monks combined with hardrocking oriental guitars. Download this VST-file from www.audionerdz.com .The students who programmed this plug in would appreciate your donation for www.savetibet.org. 95BPM |
Remix of Skip Walk Run Glide´s "Snake Charmer Acid Remix Project" listen to the original at www.mp3.com/walk_skip_run_glide .
Indian Sitar & Tabla sounds , a blabbing charmer and biting guitars shredded through a filterbank.Role reversal - now the snake charmer is dancing.
A real rocking oriental fire-cracker !!! 130BPM |
Warm dubbing laid-back Version of Skip Walk Run Glide's "Snake Charmer Acid Project" listen to the original at www.mp3.com/walk_skip_run_glide Tablas ,Sitars ,Rodes ,Gongs & Gambelan . 90 BPM .Best Rank:No.5 Dub-Charts |
Ethno TriphopSong with a nice Choir 112BPM &
Electronique Guitarres - Have Fun with this Song .
BEST RANK : No.2 in the DownTempo & TripHop-Charts |
A hip-trip arabicdance with a hard slapping& pumping bass , saz-samples and oriental electronic guitar 100bpm |
Nice , sweet& mellow ambient-pads mixed with flaming BreakBeats 160BPM |
This track is a puzzle of famous ethno samples which I transformed to an fast acoustic
D´n´B . Tablas , natural drumloops well shredded , upright bass & gimmicks . 170 BPM
A strong , noisy ,heavy & plugged in axe sound-part ! alternating with quiet psychedelic elements ."Der Zeitenstrom er fließt dahin ,wie Klang und Ton in der Stille versinkt " = "The course of time it flows along , like sound and tone vanishing in silence." 75BPM |
A fusion between flamenco guitar tunes,strange choirs and triphop-beats 90BPM |
Remix & fast version of the "ill flamenco tripmix" 180BPM BEST RANK:No.9 Jump-up-Charts |
Jungalistic remix from the TripHop ! Sub-basses,distorted basses,rocking slide guitars & breaking beats .Weird , Wild & Spicy !BEST RANK :No.8 Jungle-charts |
EthnoTripHop with Voice,picking guitars,
E-Bows & electric clouds 90Bpm.
BEST RANK :No.1 TripHop & DownTempo-Charts |
Ethno Triphop with nice E-bow-Guitars,pickings & orchestral parts.
BEST RANK :No.6 TripHop-Charts & No.8 DownTempo-Charts |
Drum&Bass remix from the EthnoTripHop with dubbing elements - Chill and Space !!!
BEST RANK :No.1 AmbientD´n´B-Charts &
No.2 Drum N´Bass-Charts |
Coloured synth bubbles are flying through the air 80BPM |
(Instrumental) A warm & smoth JazzGuitar enters the holly hall of TripHop followed from bubbling pulsars-75 BPM . |
(instrumental) Here you can get a kick of 7 guitars -
Big Fuzz & Wahs . 80 BPM
"Das Träumerherz schlägt so schwer -
Eine Seele reist frei ins Sternenmeer"
="The dreamers heart beats so hard -
a soul travels free into the sea of stars".This is a very spacey and psychedelic piece of music - a dreamy flight. Machine-beats & noises and a mighty wall of E-Bow guitars in the middle . 100BPM . |
A funky Hauz-track with vocoder-samples
"In der Sonne will ich tanzen
in der Sonne tanz ich gut "
"I want to dance in the sun
I dance good in the sun " |