The best damn song we have. I guess. |
CD: No Restroom for the Wicked
Label: Pelican Pie Records (self released)
Credits: Lyrics by Lee Rostad and Mik Throntveit, music by Nude Lucas |
Groove-tastic fun schlock n' roll.
P.S. Thank you, Led Zeppelin (intro riff
spawned by incorrect playing of 'Over the
Hills...') |
CD: No Restroom for the Wicked
Label: Pelican Pie Records (self-released)
Credits: lyrics by Lee Rostad, music by Nude Lucas |
The heavier metaler side of Nude Lucas. Rock on, baby |
CD: No Restroom For the Wicked
Label: Pelican Pie Records (self released)
Credits: Lyrics by Joe Elsberry; Music by Nude Lucas |