Maidstone. A place of Maidstone honies who are wacky wacky wacky. |
CD: Cherries And Bells
Label: CMP
Credits: Words - Goggin Music - Guarno Produced by Wal Tyrrell |
We like cake! |
CD: Cherries And Bells
Label: CMP
Credits: Words: Goggin Music: Guarno Produced by Wal Tyrrell |
It has a guitar, a bass, some drums, a keyboard, a flute and a singer. Oooooh. It is in standard 4/4 time and in the key of A MAJOR. You can play an A MAJOR using the notes A, C# and E. Ich spiele gern Fussball! |
CD: Cherries And Bells
Label: CMP
Credits: Song GOGGIN Music GUARNO Flute HOOPER Produced TYRRELL |