Label: A tk Archive
Label: A tk Archive
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: A tk Archve |
Label: A tk Archive
Label: A tk Archive
Label: A tk Archive
Label: A tk Archive
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: Words by Katelyn & tk |
Label: A tk Archive
Label: A tk Archive
There may be a point in time when all Wars will be over, and that will be either before or after all the leaders realize that no one wins when our humanity is lost. |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: click on title to see lyric |
Label: A tk Archive
Label: A tk Archive
Label: A tk Archive
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: Katelyn & tk, Vocal by Katelyn |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: tk & Katelyn; Vocal by Katelyn |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: Vocals by KATELYN |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: Katelyn & tk, Vocals by Katelyn |
Live at the "Pierpont Inn" with Chris Jensen (Drums), Scott Tiffin (Bass), DANO (Ac Nylon & Bkd Voc) and tk (Voc & Ac Steel). |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: DANO & tk |
Live at the "Pierpont Inn" with CocoBilly (Drums & Bass), Bryan McCann (Sax), DANO (Ac Nylon), & tk (Voc & Ac Steel). |
Label: A tk Archive
Live at the "Pierpont Inn" with CocoBilly (Drums & Bass), Bryan McCann (Sax), DANO (Ac Nylon), & tk (Voc & Ac Steel). |
Label: A tk Archive
tk is the main songwriter/singer in this BAND: These are LIVE demo excerpts of three consecutive DUO's (tk & DANO) , and a 5-piece with FLUTE/violin (Mark Parson), BASS (Bob Conti) and DRUMS (Chris Jensen). Total Time 6:00,Go to the bottom of this page to hear more CaBAnA bOYz.
Label: A tk Archive
Some of us have blue moods, but does everyone have the same shade of blue? This is a totally different view on blue. |
Label: A tk Archive
You can't just always sit there, you gotta stand up sometime. While you're at it why don't you try tapping your feet a little too ! |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: Harmonica by Terri-Lee, Drums by Jeff Sorensen |
Have you ever gotten so "high on love" that you realized that if you fell, you could get really hurt. Then Goin' Down to get your feet back on the ground may be your goal. This tune has a "Beatlesque" feel to it. |
Label: A tk Archive
Some thoughts keep bouncing around in my mind, possibly they should be considered echos in a dream. |
Label: A tk archive
Under stormy conditions are you driven enough to try to find love still alive underneath it all? |
Label: A tk Archive
Sometimes it's tough for people to link up during these crazy times of hustle and bustle. The intent is there, but just no time to make things happen. |
Label: A tk Archive
If you like to trance when you dance or when you gaze into someone's eyes, this tune can take you there. |
Label: A tk Archive
When you can't have something, but the thought of having it brings you sunshine, then you have Blue Sunshine. |
Label: A tk Archive
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: Robert Waldman on eletric guitar |
How come I don't feel safe at home, or am I dreaming this, it's not clear. |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: EZRA on drums |
Label: A tk Archive
Label: A tk Archive
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: Drums by Jeff Sorensen |
Surfs UP !!!
Label: A tk Archive, click on title to see lyric
Credits: Music by tk & John Wisda (guitar) |
There's something special about roses, their scent..., their color..., the way they grow and bloom..., also the people who make them grow and bloom. |
Label: A tk Archive
Is it a bird..., a plane..., comet..., asteroid...?, or the realization that our time here is really quite fragile, what do you see ? |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: tk w/ Robert Waldman on GTR |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: Drums by Chris Jensen |
Label: tk Archive
Credits: by Katelyn & tk |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: tk & KATELYN, background vocals by Katelyn |
There are so many things that can create STATIC, can you think of a few? |
Label: A tk Archive
Most people would never think of leaving their home town to go to "Hollywood" to find fame and fortune, but "Holly" would ! |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: Keyboard by Robert Van, background vocals by BAHKO |
OK, the bags are packed and you're headed to
Los Angeles for your vacation, expecting to bask in sunshine and to see all the tourist sites. AHHH, but there's something you didn't count on..........FOG ! |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: tk, harmonica and bkgd vocals by Terri-Lee, drums by Jeff Sorensen |
I just made it here at this point in time. |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: A tk Archive w/Chris Jensen on drums |
I have this craving for something sweet that I just can't seem to satisfy. Who would know best other than the "Sugarcain Lady"! |
Label: A tk Archive
Have you ever felt that time just passes by way too fast, maybe someone is actually stealing time away from us. I'm telling you it's those darn "Time Bandits" . |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: Dr. Dan Goicoechea and Todd Nelson on Percussion |
Musicians spend a significant bit of their time traveling to and from gigs, along the road to the "Spotlight" there may be a few bumps...*. |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: Lyrical input by Deena Kiaahue |
If you can imagine about half a dozen 10-11 year-old girls at a slumber party and the amount of energy generated in GIRL POWER, then... listen to this ! |
Credits: tk & the POWER of GIRLS |
Label: A tk Archive
Have you ever been with somebody and felt they could have been the right person, but through circumstances out of your control, it was "only once" ? |
Label: A tk Archive
I'll tell you everything if you listen to the whole story, you'll hear all the dirt too. |
Label: A tk Archive
I thought I didn't need you, and I wanted to be on my own, I shoulda known better ! |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: Percussion by Dr. Dan Goicoechea |
In relationships sometimes you have to try to
break down the barriers to communicate from the heart. |
Label: A tk Archive
Label: A tk Archive
STOP ! |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: Drums by Dave Stewart |
If you're in a race to get somewhere a long distance away, then you can't be standing still. Are you staying or coming, cause I'm Running. |
Label: A tk Archive
If there is any chance of you opening your heart to someone, will you let me be the one who does? |
Label: A tk Archive
Picture the pet dog of a woman truck driver who competes in dog shows while out on the road, and you've got a Hi-Rollin' Show Dog. |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: Drums by Jeff Sorensen |
I sometimes dream that if I ever did have money and time, how might I view the world differently. I think it might be from a "front seat view". |
CD: go to Stations/tkACOUSTIC for more
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: Harmonica by BAHKO |
Some people aren't available at 2 in the afternoon, try listening to this tune with someone you're passionate about at 2 in the morning. |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: Additional Percussion by Dr. Dan Goicoechea |
Motel 6 should be calling me for this one, but I'm not sure they left their light on. |
Label: A tk Archive
Have you ever longed for a more simpler time
when industrialization wasn't so rampant. This is about such a time. |
Label: A tk Archive
Some individuals can make all the energy in me come alive where I can just feel the electricty in my body firing off....Oh Yea !!! |
Label: A tk Archive
Sunlight has special qualities that makes it magical. Besides moving "at the speed of light", it makes things grow, and without it we would be shrouded in darkness. I wish you all God speed and "Speedlight". |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: Keyboard by Robert Van |
Sometimes I have to take one day at a time,
until you are mine. |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: tk-Robert Waldman, w/Robert Waldman on GTR |
My daughter came to me one day after hearing some rock music and asked me to write a song with her, Newspaper Boy is what we worked up, this was also her second real attempt at songwriting..... Hey !.... Who took off with the Funnies ? |
CD: Go to station TKnKATELYN for more KATELYN
Credits: Featuring Katelyn |
When the sun shines in the morning and wakes me from my sleep I think this is the best way to wake up to the day, and say.... Good Morning ! |
Label: A tk Archive
From the begining of a relationship to the begining of a new life, "Human Feelings" may be the most common thread. |
Label: A tk Achive
Have you ever dreamt what the perfect love might be like with someone? .....If only dreams came true ! |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: Keyboard by Robert Van |
When life gets stormy, sometimes you have to reach for angels. |
Label: A tk Archive
I'm longing for your love... |
Label: A tk Archive
If you do alot of traveling from home, then you should be able to relate to this one. |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: Keyboard by Robert Van |
Some themes play over and over in my mind, I think it's because I like them to. |
Label: A tk Archive
You never know what life is going to hand you, it's just a wild and open place.... |
Label: A tk Archive
Have you ever wondered where dreams come from ?.... and what do you dream of ? |
Label: A tk Archive
If you can't see how much I love you, it's not my fault that you can't find love. |
Label: A tk Archive
The absence of chains..... |
Label: A tk Archive
Well are you ? |
Label: A tk Archive
It all dates back B.C. to when the Olympics began... |
Label: A tk Archive
Sometimes relationships slowly disintegrate. |
Label: A tk Archive
Do you like a carnival of devilishlish fun, and jumping out of the dark?....then come on in ! |
Label: A tk Archive
A spooky, scary, screaming HALLOWEEN song!!! |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: Jeff Reichenberg on drums |
I found the "pot of gold" at the end of the rainbow, in your eyes. |
Label: A tk Archive
My daughter at age 4 starts out wishing everybody a "Merry Christmas". The tune is about coming together as a family and putting dfferences aside, if only for just one night, and celebrating that it is great to be alive. |
Label: A tk Archive
A Christmas song dedicated to the great guitar player, Chet Atkins. Thank you Chet ! Recorded at Jonathans in Ventura, CA. |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: tk & DANO with Mark Parson on fiddle |
This song was recorded while the CaBAnA bOYz were performing live at "Bernadette's" in Ventura, CA. |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: Mark Parson (Violin), DANO (Ac Nylon), tk (Ac Steel/Voc) |
This song was recorded while the CaBAnA bOYz were performing live at "Garden Terrace" in Ojai, CA. |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: DANO & tk |
This song was recorded while the CaBAnA bOYz were performing live at "Wine Lovers" in Ventura, CA. |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: Mark Parson (Violin), DANO (Ac Nylon), tk (Ac Steel/Voc) |
The feel of Latina...Recorded at Rosarito Cafe in Ventura, CA. |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: DANO & tk |
This instrumental is dedicated to all children who have been senselessly killed, may their innocence be preserved forever. |
Label: A tk Archive
Credits: DANO & tk - performed live |
When you've lost someone you love, starting over can be quite hard, this is about such a situation. |
Label: A tk Archive
This is a lyric I wrote for a songwriting contest, the background tracks were already supplied, I brought in a female singer and finished off the production with some additional background vocals.
The theme was a "we are the world" feel with the title being "I have this dream". Click on the title to see the words.
Credits: Tonos is an internet based service that provides opportunites like this for songwriters @ www.Tonos. com |