Listen to the sad, sad song of the monkey. Just one chromosome away from being human, he sits, powerless to change the world around him, or to compete with the plague of humanity that encroaches on him. How very, very sad. |
CD: We Are All Fucked
Credits: Unabomber |
A sonic tribute to Bruce Lee with one of my favorite samples of him in an interview. Too bad I recorded this before I ever got turntables. |
CD: We Are All Fucked
Credits: Unabomber and of course Bruce Lee |
Listen to the funny samples of the 700 Club people discussing Geration X's negativity. Why is it that everyone seems to miss the point that young America's pervasive sense of doom is due to the fact that most of them are well educated enough to know that the real problems are things like overpopulation or massive asteriod impact and not bullshit like school prayer or abortion. They also realize that we aren't doing shit about the real problems and that, due to organized religion, we have practically resigned ourselves to a fate that includes death with rewards in the afterlife, which pretty much excuses us from the responsability of creating a paradise on earth by limiting population and extending the human life span indefinitely through medical science, thereby enabling us to realistically travel to other stars within a human life span. |
Credits: Unabomber |