Be forwarned; the rein is coming! The rein of the three silver crown kings! NOMAD!!! OOWAH!!! |
CD: Sonic Transports Spacewarps Teleports: The Nomadness
Label: N.A.D.O. Entertainment
Credits: Executive Producer: Don Shinjuru |
So your standing there right?; and your about to get shot point blank in the side of your head. So your wondering wether or not your brains splatter againts the glass befor your body jolts from the impact of the bullet... |
CD: Sonic transports spacewarps teleports: The Nomadness
Label: N.A.D.O. Entertainment / CinCoYo Entertainment
Credits: Copyright 1999 Lewies Kitchen |
This is dedicated to all the fly rap guys!!! |
CD: Sonic transports spacewarps teleports: The Nomadness
Label: N.A.D.O. Entertainment / CinCoYo Entertainment
Credits: Copyright 1999 Lewies Kitchen |