This is a heavier song than most of the others and features a great guitar solo by Curtis Leonard. Eddie and Chuck really lay down a groove on this as well. Recorded at Arf Studios. |
CD: Antidote
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Van Meter) Chuck Hammel-drums, Ed Kearney-bass, Curtis Leonard-guitar solo, Jason Van Meter-vocals and guitars |
This is a song about people who laugh at the expense of others feelings and how fate has a strange way of making them regret it later. |
CD: Chasin' The Monkey
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Van Meter) VOX - Jen Kesterke, Van Meter; BASS & DRUMS - Curt Leonard; KEYS - Steve Masek; GUITARS - Van Meter |
Our answer to "Beer Barrel Polka" and "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall". Recorded at Arf Studios. |
CD: Antidote
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: Written by Jim Alexander and Jason Van Meter. Jim Alexander-vocals, Jason Hicks-backing vocals and trombone, Bob Kurowski-backing vocals, Chris Hanna-keys, Curtis Leonard-drums, Jason Van Meter- backing vocals, guitar and bass. |
This song is about the B.S. people go through while they're single and dating and how glad I am I don't have to deal with that crap anymore. Recorded at Arf Studios. |
CD: Antidote
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Van Meter) Jen Kesterke-vocals, Ed Kearney-bass, Chuck Hammel-drums, Van Meter-vocals and guitars |
Jimbo had most of the words in a poem and the music came from a campfire jam I came up with. This is a favorite song for many of our friends. Recorded at Audio Works in Cleveland, Ohio. |
CD: Yeti and the Big Feat
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Alexander-Van Meter) VOX, GUITARS - Van Meter; BASS - Keith Hanna; DRUMS - Fred Perez-Stable; KEYS - Chris Hanna; HARP - Jim Alexander; GTR SOLO - Curt Leonard |
This is a country-flavored song about abusive relationships. Kind of a good combination I thought at the time. Could've been recorded alot better and it will be some day but I present it here because I think it's one of my better progressions with lyrics. |
CD: Chasin' The Monkey
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Van Meter) VOX - Jen Kesterke, Curt Leonard, Van Meter; BASS & DRUMS, ELECTRIC GTR - Curt Leonard; 12 String, SOLO - Van Meter |
(Recorded Live at The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame) |
CD: Chasin' The Monkey
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: VOX & GUITAR SOLO A - Jason VanMeter;GUITAR SOLO B - Curtis E. Leonard; BASS - Scott Emerson; DRUMS - Fred Perez-Stable; KEYS - Chris Hanna; HARP - Jim Alexander |
This is an anti-drug song with some exquisite guitar lines from Curtis Leonard. Recorded at Studio C, N. Ridgeville, Oh. |
CD: Chasin' The Monkey
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Van Meter) VOX - Curt Leonard, Van Meter; BASS & DRUMS, SLIDE GUITAR & SOLO B - Curt Leonard; KEYS - Steve Masek; GTRS & SOLO A - Van Meter |
My stab at a country song a`la Poco or Eagles. |
CD: Chasin' the Monkey
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Van Meter) Jen Kesterke-vocals, Steve Masek-keys, Curtis Leonard- drums/slide/solo B, Van Meter- vocals/bass/guitars/solo A |
Recorded at Arf Studios. Special thanks to Bob Kurowski and Wayne Elek for helping to pull this one out of me. |
CD: Antidote
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Van Meter) Van Meter on acoustic guitar. |
One of my favorite original songs, written in 1988 about conservation and the need for respect of our Mother Earth. Recorded at Studio C in N.Ridgeville, Oh. |
CD: Chasin' The Monkey
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Van Meter) VOX - Jen Kesterke, Jason Van Meter; BASS & DRUMS - Curtis E. Leonard; KEYS - Steve Masek; Guitars - Jason Van Meter |
An acoustic number with some excellent call and response lead vocals from Jen Kesterke. Each soloist, Elmer, Bob and Jimbo tore up their parts as well. Recorded at Arf Sudios. |
CD: Antidote
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Van Meter) Jen Kesterke-vocals, Jim Alexander-harmonica, Chris Hanna-piano, Ed Kearney-bass, Bob Kurowski-guitar solo, Jason Van Meter-vocals and guitars |
This one's for my girl. |
CD: Antidote
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Van Meter) Jen Kesterke- harmony vocal, Van Meter- all other instruments and vocals |
This song poses the question, " Can we find a way to be honest to ourselves about the things we need to do and be if mankind is going to evolve? Adapting into a tolerant and more considerate species of human beings? Are we concerned about the children and the planet they're inheriting, or are we facing a point in history where primitive selfish and greedy urges for money are deciding how our society works? Now is the time that we need to be true to ourselves. Recorded at Arf Studios. |
CD: Antidote
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Van Meter) Jen Kesterke-vocals, Ed Kearney-bass, Chuck Hammel-drums, Chris Hanna-keys, Jim Alexander-percussion, Van Meter-vocals/guitars. |
One of the musical showpieces of "Yeti and the Big Feat".Contains one of Van Meter's most blistering guitar solos and Jimbo's harp riffs are off the wall. Elmer holding it together on organ with Keith and Fred laying it down behind all that, this song proves that The Nines were a tight funky unit. Recorded at Audio Works. |
CD: Yeti and the Big Feat
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Van Meter,C.Hanna, K.Hanna, J. Hicks) Jim Alexander- harmonica,Chris Hanna-keys, Keith Hanna-bass, Fred Perez-Stable-drums, Jason Hicks and Dana Clarke- backing vocals, Van Meter-vocals/guitars |
This is a song about Elyria, Ohio, my hometown and what it means to come up with your own scene if nothing else cool is going on. Features some tasty harp and guitar from Jimbo and Fleck. |
CD: Antidote
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Van Meter) Jim Alexander-harmonica, Andy Fleck- electric guitar, Curtis Leonard-drums, Van Meter on acoustic, slide and vocals |
Opening piece to our Original Rock Opera on Film, "Yeti and the Big Feat". Recorded at Audio Works in Cleveland,OH. |
CD: Yeti and the Big Feat
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Van Meter) Jim Alexander-harmonica, Chris Hanna-keys, Keith Hanna-bass, Fred Perez-Stable-drums, Van Meter-vocals/guitars |
This is my 911 song. Recorded at Arf Studios. |
CD: Antidote
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Van Meter) Ed Kearney-bass, Chuck Hammel-drums, Van Meter- vocals/guitars. |
This is a song that is not about ALL cops. Just the corrupt ones that get caught every now and then when they screw up. That's still not enough for a growing # of people. Recorded at Arf Studios. |
CD: Antidote
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Van Meter) Ed Kearney-bass, Jen Kesterke-vocals, Chuck Hammel-drums, Chris Hanna-organ, Jason Van Meter- guitars and vocals |
The only released recording of The Nines. |
CD: Yeti and the Big Feat
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (C.Hanna, K. Hanna, Hoertz, Perez-Stable, Van Meter) Performed by The Nines. |
An old song from 1988 arranged in a bluegrass format with Joe Ebel playing some great fiddle and Curtis Leonard pickin' and grinnin on the banjo. Recorded at Studio C in N.Ridgeville, Oh. |
CD: Chasin' the Monkey
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Van Meter) Curtis Leonard-banjo/bass, Joe Ebel-violin, Van Meter-vocals/guitars |
A thought-provoking intrumental used as a backdrop in scenes for "Yeti and the Big Feat". Very dreamy Rhodes by Elmer. Recorded at Audio Works in Cleveland, Ohio. |
CD: Yeti and the Big Feat
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Van Meter) Chris Hanna-keys, Keith Hanna-bass, Fred Perez-Stable-drums, Van Meter-guitars |
This is the song that the fictional band plays in the "Yeti and the Big Feat" movie. Recorded at Audio Works in Cleveland, Oh. |
CD: Yeti and the Big Feat
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Van Meter, Hicks) Jim Alexander-harmonica, Chris Hanna-keys, Keith Hanna- bass, Fred Perez-Stable- drums, Van Meter-vocals/guitars |
This crazy song was written about a 'Tommy' cast party at BJ's house in the summer of '96. Recorded at Audio Works in Cleveland, Ohio. |
CD: Yeti and the Big Feat
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Van Meter, Hicks, C.Hanna) |
This is a song about an old house on the shores of Lake Erie in Vermilion, Ohio, that I lived in during the summer of '98. I'm convinced that place is haunted, but it did inspire a number of the better songs for the Yeti project. I wanted to immortalize that old broken down house with a set of chords that came to me while I practiced there. |
CD: Yeti and the Big Feat
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Van Meter) Chris Hanna-keys, Keith Hanna-bass, Fred Perez-Stable-drums, Curtis Leonard-vocals/slide, Van Meter-vocals/guitars |
This is a bonus track on "Yeti and the Big Feat" featuring interesting vocal harmonies and some cool slide and banjo parts from Curtis Leonard. Recorded at Audio Works in Cleveland, Oh. |
CD: Yeti and the Big Feat
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Van Meter) Chris Hanna-keys, Keith Hanna-bass, Fred Perez-Stable-drums, Curtis Leonard-slide/banjo, Van Meter-vocals/guitars |
A killer set of lyrics and chords that is a product of a collaboration between Alexander, Clarke and Van Meter. Incidently this song can be found with two different sets of lyrics on two Generation Gap releases but this is a version NOT published by Tonk's In The Closet (BMI). Recorded at Audio Works in Cleveland, Ohio. |
CD: Yeti and the Big Feat
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Clarke, Alexander, Van Meter) Chris Hanna-keys, Keith Hanna-bass, Fred Perez-Stable-drums, Curtis Leonard-vocals/ gtr solo A, Van Meter-vocals/guitars/gtr solo B |
This is an original song written by our friend and producer of a number of sessions in the late 80's to early 90's by the name of Morgan 'Redman' Settlemire. This jam was a staple in his group, The Nuclear Party Band which featured Ponyboy on drums. We tried to do it our own way because there is no one in the world who can even attempt to sound like Redman. One of our strongest and earliest supporters, Redman was always a source for inspiration. Not to mention 16 years of killer pow-wows at the Baker Bldg! It thrilled us to know that he dug this version. Recorded at Now Productions in Delirious, Ohio. |
Label: Now Productions
Credits: (Morgan 'Redman' Settlemire) Performed by Jim Alexander- vocals, Dana Clarke- bass, Jason McClean-drums, Van Meter-guitar |
CD: Beat Town
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: Words and reading: Kevin Costello, Matt Jablonski, Guitar:Van Meter, Harmonica: Jimbo Alexander |
An adlibbed lyric with an improvised musical backing, demonstrating the versatility of the Evergreen trio. |
CD: Chasin' the Monkey
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: Written and performed by Doug Johns, Chris Ceja and Jason Van Meter |
My contribution to the 'Beat Town' CD containing some of my own distinguished, or more like warped, brand of cynicism and satire. Recorded by Dangus Kincaid Studios. |
CD: Beat Town
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: Van Meter- Reading and Sound FX |
This song was recorded on a 4 track cassette machine but still exhibits the eerie (or Erie) space that Clarke and Van Meter could get into in their collaborations. |
CD: Unreleased Seeds Vol. 1
Label: Emerald Taurus Music
Credits: (Van Meter, Clarke) Dana Clarke-bass, Van Meter-guitars |
This is a song written as a showcase for Jimbo's harp-playing and his performance tears it up on this one. Shows McClean's blues roots on the slamming drum track as well. Recorded at Now Productions in Delirious, Ohio. |
CD: "Earth Signs" Unreleased Electric Evergreen
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Van Meter) Jim Alexander-harmonica, Dana Clarke- bass, Jason McClean- drums, Jason Van Meter- vocals/guitar. |
An angry song about the caveboys that still exist among the males in our society. Recorded at Now Productions in Delirious, Ohio. |
CD: "Earth Signs" Unreleased Electric Evergreen
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Van Meter) Jim Alexander- harmonica, Dana Clarke- bass/vocals, Jason McClean- drums, Jason Van Meter- vocals/ guitar. |
This is a song about carrying on in the face of adversity. |
CD: Earth Signs- Unreleased Electric Evergreen
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Van Meter) Jim Alexander-harp/vocals, Dana Clarke-bass/vocals. Jason McClean-drums, Van Meter-guitar/vocals. |
One of my favorite chord progressions, if just for it's absurd turnarounds that seem to work for some reason. |
CD: "Earth Signs" Unreleased Electric Evergreen
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Van Meter) Jim Alexander-harp/vocals, Dana Clarke-bass/vocals, Jason McClean-drums, Van Meter-guitar/vocals. |
This is an early Alexander/ Van Meter collaborative effort. Jimbo rocks out on the harp on this one. |
CD: "Earth Signs" Unreleased Electric Evergreen
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Van Meter-Alexander) Featuring Jim Alexander-vocals/harp, Van Meter-guitars/ vocals, Dana Clarke -bass, Jason McClean- drums |
Our first all-inclusive song writing session produced this song and it was our first original standard with the original Electric Evergreen. Recorded at Now Productions in Delirious, Oh. |
CD: Party Planet by Electric Evergreen
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: (Alexander, Kearney, Laubenthal, McClean, Van Meter) Jim Alexander-harmonica, Dana Clarke-bass, Jason McClean-drums, Van Meter-guitar/vocals |
One of the first of the songs that Jimbo and I wrote for our band, Electric Evergreen. Features some great harmonica and vocal harmonies. Clarke and McClean pound out a distinctive rhythm they were known to have. |
CD: Party Planet by Electric Evergreen
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI).
Credits: Written by Alexander-harmonica/vocals and Van Meter-guitar/vocals, featuring Dana Clarke-bass and Jason McClean-drums. |
A song we wrote collectively for the club we used to play at in Fayettesville, WV on the grounds of a whitewater rafting resort called Rivers. Recorded at Now Productions in Delirious, Ohio. |
CD: Party Planet by Electric Evergreen
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI).
Credits: Written and performed by Alexander-vocals/harmonica, Dana Clarke-vocals/bass, Jason McClean-vocals/drums and Van Meter-vocals/guitar. |
This is a "rough" recording of my first band, The Phantazmal Minds. |
CD: A live recording of Phantazmal Minds on 91.5 FM in Oberlin, in the spring of 1988.
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: Performed by Jason McClean-drums, Dana Clarke- bass, and Jason Van Meter- guitar. |
The Parlour Song/ Phantazmal Minds/ Distress/Change of Heart |
CD: A medley of Phantazmal Minds originals recorded live on 91.5 FM in Oberlin, Ohio in the spring of 1988.
Label: Emerald Taurus Music (BMI)
Credits: Written and performed by Jason Hicks-vocals, Dana Clarke-bass/vocals, Jason McClean-drums, Jason Van Meter-guitar/vocals |