A menacing yet whimsical experimental romp featuring lofi horns, raunchy organs, scary synths, bizarro drums & great solos. |
CD: Pi Episodicumuli
Credits: all rights reserved-E Miles Land/ 2002 |
CD: Apparati De Profundis
Credits: E Miles Land |
In the not so distant future, sleep will be a prized commodity & unavailable to the common individual, persons thought to be guilty of sleeping will be hunted down by one of the notorious sleep runners! |
CD: Apparati De Profundis
Credits: E Miles Land |
CD: Apparati De Profundis
Credits: E Miles Land |
CD: Edith Upgrade
Credits: E Miles Land |
CD: Edith Upgrade
Credits: E Miles Land |
Circus Music, It's unfinished & probably going to stay that way. Recorded-1999 |
CD: Pi Episodicumuli
Credits: E Miles Land |
As close to new age as i get, one of my favorites oddly enough. |
CD: Pi Episodicumuli
Credits: E Miles Land |
CD: Quindodeccaphelia
Credits: E Miles Land |
Part 1- punkish rock with lofi free association vocal improv & weird atmospherics.
Part 2- A punk jazz jam session over the returning trap loop. |
Credits: E Miles Land everything except Ray Steckling's guitar riff. |
Recorded-1999 |
CD: Quindodeccaphelia
Credits: E Miles Land |
Recorded- 1997 |
CD: Apparati De Profundis
Credits: E Miles Land |
CD: Edith Upgrade
Credits: E Miles Land |
Recorded-1999, looking out at the New Mexico sky. |
CD: Familiar Flights & Famine
Credits: E Miles Land |
Pt-1: Valley of the Queer
Pt-2: Forest of the Foul |
CD: Pi Episodicumuli
Credits: E Miles Land |
Join in on the maiden voyage of the mothbill, an accidental hybrid setting flight for the first time. |
CD: Edith Upgrade
Credits: E Miles Land |
Too Much indulgence & one nights expanse. Recorded- 1997 |
CD: Apparati De Profundis
Credits: E Miles Land |