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The Polyester

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    Carbonated Rock 'N' Roll!

    Maybe it's the weather
    Maybe it's the polyester
    melting in the sun,
    in chesterfield patterns,
    in cigarette burns,
    in double-double coffee
    in the morning,

    August 23, 2001 - Wow, the two songs I added last sure got up quick (those being 'We both lose' and 'Now we have made it through the night', so check 'em out)! So I just added another tune today called 'As minutes inch backwards'. I'm slowly migrating content from my old project to this one, at which point there will be quite a pound of songs on here to keep you all busy!

    August 19, 2001 - Looks like has caught up with me. I've only got one more tune in the works that's not quite complete, and all the others are up on here. I think I'll start re-introducing some older tunes that were listed on my last project... let's start with 'We both lose', I have a new version of that tune with backups by Rae. You'll dig that.

    August 9, 2001 - Noticed today that another song has finally been accepted and added to my page. As well, I've added another to the queue, so we'll have four whole songs for you shortly. The new tune that's on the page is called 'Something about integrity' and the newest addition that won't be here for another week or two is called 'Coffee and cream'. Check 'em out!

    August 2, 2001 - Still no sign of my latest song, or of the new main photo I added here... Hmmm. Anyway, I added another song today which is a drastic rewrite of an older tune (now called 'Inertia', then called 'Ebbet's Field', which you can find still on my old project page here. So yeah, check back for that too. Later!

    July 31, 2001 - Had some new photos scanned at work yesterday, so there's a new main photo on the page, as well as album covers (just mini photos really) to spruce things up a bit.

    July 28, 2001 - I just added a new song, which should appear (if my calculations are correct) in about a week from now. It's a tune I just wrote this week too, called 'Something about integrity', which is taken from the name of an old Windsor band.

    Just a reminder, this is the continuation of another project, so if you want more than just these few tunes and you don't feel like waiting, there's more at Later!

    July 16, 2001 - Right now, I've only added one song, but more will be coming regularly. The Polyester Project is a continuation of my former project, which can be heard here. I'm really not sure what I'm doing with this thing, but if you bear with me, I'm sure all will be clear soon enough.

    I'm using this name as an umbrella name for a couple of things I'm currently working on, actually. The main other focus is I'm learning to make clothes. My friend Ron and I are splitting the cost on a used serger, and I've been buying out the vintage fabrics (if you know what I mean), so expect to see some flair soon enough as well!

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    "We both lose"genre: Rock
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    A song about leaving Windsor, Ontario (my home town) and moving to Winnipeg, Manitoba, portrayed in the cliche story format of "boy loses girl"...
    Credits: Written & Performed by Lux
    "Now we have made it through the night"genre: Rock
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    A lullaby of sorts...
    Credits: Written & Performed by Lux
    "As minutes inch backwards"genre: Rock
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    I haven't listened to this song in a while, and damn it rocks! It's about the three weeks I worked in telemarketing...
    Credits: Written & Performed by Lux
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