Straight up, in your face, make your ears bleed, audio assault. Very heavy. Lots of double bass. Simply brutal from start to finish. Enjoy !!! |
Label: TBA
Credits: Mike Messina - Guitar and Bass / Kevin Astl - Electronic Drums. Recorded at Crop Circle Studios. |
A heavy medium grove oriented song consisting of only 2 riffs with a sick twisted chord structure. Lots of double bass from start to finish. No vocals on this one either. Enjoy ! ! ! ! ! |
Label: TBA
Credits: Mike Messina - Guitar and Bass / Kevin Astl - Electronic Drums. Recorded at Crop Circle Studios. |
Another in your face audio assault upon your ears. Fast and heavy from start to finish. Ths song title and lyrics come were inspired by a taste sampling of Dave's Insanity Salsa, the hottest phucking thing on this planet. No vocals yet. Click on the song title to read the lyrics. |
Label: TBA
Credits: Mike Messina - Guitar and Bass / Kevin Astl - Electronic drums |