K.I., Kaboom!!! "The Most High", Dav, I.C. (ILL Child).... of Target Earth Enterbrainment |
CD: I.C. (ILL Child) "The Craft"
Label: Target Earth Enterbrainment ( www.TargetEarthMusic.com )
Credits: written by: K.I., Dav, Kaboom!!!, & I.C.... produced by K-Boom "The Most High"...... for Target Earth Enterbrainment |
Unknownz.... of Target Earth Enterbrainment |
CD: Unknownz "Story Untold"
Label: Target Earth Enterbrainment (www.TargetEarthMusic.com)
Credits: written by K.I. & Dav (Unknownz).. produced by K-Boom "The Most High"..... for Target Earth Enterbrainment |
Unknownz & Faze.... of Target Earth Enterbrainment |
CD: Unknownz "Story Untold"
Label: Target Earth Enterbrainment ( www.TargetEarthMusic.com )
Credits: written by K.I, Dav, and Faze.... produced by K-Boom "The Most High.... for Target Earth Enterbrainment |