48th law of power: assume formlessness. keep yourself adaptable and on the move. accept the fact that no law is fixed. be fluid and formless. everything changes. - combining varied subtle melodies with an insane song structure. very different. made for the listener, not the dancefloor. i'm damn sick of all the same synths being used for the same lame synth lines and nothing but a 4 on the floor bull shit beat with no variation whatsoever. uses a rather obscure sound pallette with orchestral elements, spacy pads, rough drum beats, and piano. quite good if I don't say so myself. try a taste, you'll like it. If you don't.. go away and don't come back here. |
Credits: jeff petersen |
sort of on the paul van dyk tip. I dig the piano at the end. straight jacked the style from "for an angel." down to the horns at climax time. could probably use some remastering but its nice and crisp. i dig. |
Credits: jeff petersen |
Not a bad piece of advice for some of you elliterate bastards running around out there. I don't know what genre this would be under so I just picked one. You know, one of these days mp3.com is just going to give me my own damn genre. I've been calling them about it but they keep giving me the run around. Artist Service... HA! At any rate, its a collaboration with Citec.. mp3.com/citec. Crazy intricate beats with a nice little cello and piano. I dig it. Adam Lucas of citec digs it. You WILL dig it. At least... you best. Yes I misspelled illiterate on purpose earlier. Listen now. |
Credits: Jeff Petersen (infinium) and Adam Lucas (citec) |