Special Points of Interest:
Dmitri also has additional CD's available to you through his other band called "Sonic Bliss" These songs can be found at www.mp3.com/sonicbliss
Dmitri has had a personal goal to see a solar panel resting on every rooftop by 2010. Among the popular misconceptions about solar power is the actual power produced by it is not powerful enough. This is a myth he intends to shatter with a Solar Powered Music Festival with a Solar Exhibition.
As the founder of "Solar Concert" Dmitri will walk away from every concert tour knowing that no one who was there can deny the power of solar energy. Minus the hum that large sound systems often produce, festival-goers will hear the clarity of PURE SOLAR SOUND.
Dmitri is a member of The Solar Energy Society of America, and Greenpeace.
A Sea Of Light Years is a tune that has a driving and ambient beat to it. As you drift to the sound think of time, and the size of the universe... An ocean made of open spaces, light and stars...
(Light Year DATA)
A light-year is defined as the distance light travels during one year. Light from the sun travels with a speed of about 300,000,000 meters per second. By multiplying the speed of light by the number of seconds in one year, we find that one light-year is equal to 9.5 x 10^15 (that's 9,500,000,000,000,000) meters per second and is equivalent to: 590,300,000 miles (statute) per second.
Description - Exact
Conversion Factor 8.0467E-06 (.5/62137)
Reported Digits 8.4703E-06 (.5/59030)
Each meter = (6.2137 E-4) miles (statute).
Dmitri's Solar Recharging Device:
A Lightweight, portable, solar powered, rechargable, multi/voltage, ac/dc system can be built for about $125 USD. It consists of a 12-volt solar panel, a rechargeable battery pack, and 110 ac/dc volt inverter.
This device can eliminate the need for most batteries forever. It is a self contained solar charging multi voltage ac/dc-power supply. Please E-mail me for free instructions and locations on finding each unit. This is a free service.
Please Visit: www.solarconcert.com
SOLAR CONCERT A Proving Ground For:
Renewable, Sustainable, Non-Polluting
and Environmentally Safe Energy Sources.
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