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Trevor Coleman | mp3.com/trrrevor |
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Hi! Welcome to my Mp3.com page. I've got a few songs here that you can listen to. Right now they're all just me (except for "I Think It's You," which features my quasi-band, BlinDate) but in the future I hope to be collaborating with some friends and fellow artists to bring a much different sound out. For those that are curious, I've recorded all of these songs with CoolEdit, playing all of the parts myself. Drum loops are created with Propellorhead's Rebirth, my guitar parts are played on my Danelectro Mod 6, and everything else is out of my Yamaha CS1-x synth. Right, now enjoy the songs! -Trevor Before you go: Tell a Friend how much you love these songs Sign My Guestbook and let people know what you think! -or- See what other people had to say about my music Any other questions or comments? Click here to send me a note.
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