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    Whether you are a pop, rock, jazz, or a classical singer, your voice needs to be exercised, strengthened, and cared for. The selection of vocal exercises we offer is designed to lead you through a sequence of routines building your tone, precision, and endurance. Use them as you warm up before a performance, when you practice at home, or pop them into your car CD player and sing along. You don't have to be a virtuoso, in fact you don't even have to know how to read music to fully participate in these exercises.

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    What others are saying...
    Just wanted you to know that I think you are a genius! I'm the lead singer in a band that plays a 4 hour set with one 15 minute break in a smokey bar. I know that I'm supposed to do these things to warm up and such, but doing them by myself is hard. What you're providing is an invaluable service to people who are serious about their music and learning to take care of their voice. Dawna Bradford
    My voice teacher always told me to vocalize and warm up every day, but it's really hard when it's just you singing to the four walls. Now I can just play the CD and sing along as if I had a personal accompanist.
    I used to struggle to remain motivated, but now I take the Vocal Exercises CD with me wherever I go and go through the whole sequence faithfully, rain or shine. They help me stay disciplined, and it's a great workout.
    I use Vocal Exercises before every performance. Not only do they warm up my voice, but they also calm my nerves and help me stay focused.
    I have been using Vocal Exercises for about 6 months now and I can tell the difference they have made in my voice. They challenged me and helped me expand my range.
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    "DO-TI-LA-SOL-FA-MI-RE-DO"genre: Crooners/Vocals
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    This exercise concentrates on a descending scale. As you sing, pay special attention to phrasing. If possible, sing through the whole scale without taking a breath, otherwise break it in half between SOL and FA. CD: Vocal Exercises - Super Range - buy it!buy it! CD: Vocal Exercises - Low Voice. - buy it!buy it!
    "MA-MEY-ME-MO-MU "genre: Vocals
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    As you begin your vocal warm up, examine your posture. Keep your throat open and relaxed. Listen to every vowel. Focus on the pitch of every note. Warm up your voice gently. This is only the beginning. CD: Vocal Exercises - Low Voice. - buy it!buy it!
    "YA-HA-HA-HA"genre: Country General
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    This exercise is a lot of fun, but don't be deceived, it is very intense. You will now switch gears from melodic phrases to punctuated single notes. Think of balloons that pop as you pierce them with a needle. Let the notes be short and bouncy. Use your diaphragm to support your sound. Don't forget to smile! CD: Vocal Exercises - Low Voice. - buy it!buy it!
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