Generally speaking, The GDM write, record, and promptly forget their songs- meaning they write a lot and forget even more. Some of these tunes have even been deemed as "passable" by non-solicited third party individuals.
The Untitled record (aka 'Stories from the Solar System') was recorded from 1999 into 2001, and was the first "project" The GDM concentrated long enough on to complete. Recorded in a family room, by amateurs, with zero budget, the record still managed to garner praise from people not in the band. Maybe you will like it as well?
This was a spontaneous, instrumental jam we did at S2's top secret jam room. I guess someone is supposed to either come down from heaven or up from heck riding a pale horse. I don't know, that's just what i heard. |
CD: Live from Mir
Label: Independent
Credits: The Gingerdead Men- S2 drums courtesy of his own bad self. |
The story from the asteroid belt, sans vocals and live from outer space! |
CD: Live from Mir
Label: Independent
Credits: Copyright 2002- The Gingerdead Men. S2 drums 'cause he can. |
The story from Sol. |
CD: Untitled
Label: Independent
Credits: Copyright 2002- The Gingerdead Men |
The story from Mercury. |
CD: Untitled
Label: Independent
Credits: Copyright 2002- The Gingerdead Men |
The story from Mercury (remixed). |
CD: Untitled
Label: Independent
Credits: Copyright 2002- The Gingerdead Men |
The story from Venus. |
CD: Untitled
Label: Independent
Credits: Copyright 2002- The Gingerdead Men |
The story from Earth. |
CD: Untitled
Label: Independent
Credits: Copyright 2002- The Gingerdead Men |
The story from Mars. |
CD: Untitled
Label: Independent
Credits: Copyright 2002- The Gingerdead Men |
The story from the Asteroid Belt. |
CD: Untitled
Label: Independent
Credits: Copyright 2002- The Gingerdead Men |
The story from Jupiter. |
CD: Untitled
Label: Independent
Credits: Copyright 2002- The Gingerdead Men |
The story from Saturn. |
CD: Untitled
Label: Independent
Credits: Copyright 2002- The Gingerdead Men |
The story from Uranus. |
CD: Untitled
Label: Independent
Credits: Copyright 2002- The Gingerdead Men |
The story from Neptune. |
CD: Untitled
Label: Independent
Credits: Copyright 2002- The Gingerdead Men |
The story from Pluto. |
CD: Untitled
Label: Independent
Credits: Copyright 2002- The Gingerdead Men |
The story from beyond. |
CD: Untitled
Label: Independent
Credits: Copyright 2002- The Gingerdead Men |
The story from a lone proton. |
CD: Untitled
Label: Independent
Credits: Copyright 2002- The Gingerdead Men |
This is the super-deluxe karaoke mix version of this tender ballad about warped love and eternal pain, or something like that. The version that comes complete with vocals has yet to satisfy our strict quality control team, and has thus been temporarily placed in solitary confinement. For now, that means you can groove to the instrumental version of this smash hit. |
CD: Pre-Production Theory
Label: Independent
Credits: The Gingerdead Men- 1999. |
An improvised piece sure to get your head bobbing...or put you to sleep. |
CD: Pre-Production Theory
Label: Independent
Credits: The Gingerdead Men- 1999. © 2002. B3 played drums, courtesy of himself. |
We dug up an old copy of our cassette release, "1984," discovering a heavier mix of this improvised song. We put our team of scientist monkeys to work, instructing them to capture this version from the tape and "do something special to it, so someone will waste their time downloading a song they've already heard before." |
CD: 1984 Cassette
Label: Independent
Credits: The Gingerdead Men- 1999. B3 played drums. |
This is our theme song. It was captured live in one take, at our second-ever jam session, while everyone was laughing and generally screwing up a lot. It would probably be better if we didn't suck. |
CD: Pre-Production Theory
Label: Independent
Credits: The Gingerdead Men- 1998 |
A spoken word piece set to the soothing sounds of vintage rock and roll. It could be construed as offensive only because it is about assassins. |
CD: Pre-Production Theory
Label: Independent
Credits: The Gingerdead Men- 1998. |
This is a short, funky, dance version of our post-apocalyptic hit, "Cobwebs and Cadavers."
We may finally get around to finishing the real version of this song, someday... |
CD: 1984/Unreleased
Label: Independent
Credits: The Gingerdead Men- 1999/2001 |
This is basically a variation on a simple blues scale, with some heavy tendencies. It is an instrumental captured in two takes.
We'd like to re-record this song and make it cooler, but K1 can't remember how to play his noise-solo that he ripped off of Man...or Astro-Man? so that is pretty much that. |
CD: Pre-Production Theory
Label: Independent
Credits: The Gingerdead Men- 1999. |
A post-punk slab of rock and roll from 1998 that is one part "hard to listen to" and one part "unlistenable!" Now that we kind of know how to play our instruments, maybe we'll get around to re-recording this memorable classic. For now, we'll say it is experimental, because that sounds artsy. |
CD: Pre-Production Theory/Unreleased
Label: Independent
Credits: The Gingerdead Men- 1998. |
This is a shortened version of our European hit, Dusty Trails. Extra drums were added and some lo-fi editing was done to make the song a wee-bit more interesting. We wish we would have mixed the guitar louder. |
CD: Pre-Production Theory/Unreleased
Label: Independent
Credits: The Gingerdead Men- 1999. |
A spontaneous, distorted experiment with a keyboard. Identify the fractured melodies and you win absolutely nothing! |
CD: Pre-Production Theory
Label: Independent
Credits: The Gingerdead Men- 1999. |
This is a snippet of a collosal free jam, recorded with our very own, patent pending Distort-o-Tron technology! It was then augmented with theta waves to control your mind. |
CD: Pre-Production Theory
Label: Independent
Credits: The Gingerdead Men- 1999. |
This song is, of course, about the end of the world. It directly references a collage J made that you will never see. In the collage, little birdies with nuclear warheads for heads (instead of bird heads), are raining down on an image of the Vatican featuring tons of people bowing before a giant Zenith radio. Art imitates life. |
CD: Pre-Production Theory
Label: Independent
Credits: deathENGINE6- 1998. |
J made this pop-gem all by himself. This time, it's about Earth after everything has up and died. Go figure... |
CD: Pre-Production Theory
Label: Independent
Credits: deathENGINE6- 1999. |
The full title is "Two Circles Attacking a Square, While Triangle Caresses Rhombus With Spirals." This is a musique concrete piece, designed around accumulating layers of sound. This is Mk II of this particular sound project. This version is supposed to be an improvement over the one available here in the past. |
CD: Products of Post-Modern Science (Unreleased)
Label: Independent
Credits: deathENGINE6-2001 |
The full title of this Black Hand Gang experiment is, "The Only Way to Settle This is to Send the Loser Home in a Pine Box." It is obviously about puppies. |
CD: Scavengers as Saviors Split
Label: Independent
Credits: The Black Hand Gang- 2002 |
This was the first song K1 ever recorded, under the moniker of Mean World Syndrome. It was harvested from a cassette tape made in late 1997, so please excuse the sound quality. |
CD: Lighting the Match b/w Machine's Lament
Label: Independent
Credits: Mean World Syndrome- 1997. |
This was the second "song" K1 ever devised. It was produced for an electronic music composition class while he was a student in the late 1990s. It was pulled straight from an old cassette tape, so watch out! Hi-Fi doesn't get much lower than this! |
CD: Lighting the Match b/w Machine's Lament
Label: Independent
Credits: Mean World Syndrome- 1997. Poem by J. Skidmore. |