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    "To God Be The Glory"genre: Gospel
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    This song gives honor and praise to God who deserves all worship. His name is Jesus and he is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. CD: Sharon (K Cat) Sharing - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Sharon (K Cat) Sharing   Label: Rensongs
    Credits: Arranged and Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "They That Wait Upon The Lord"genre: Gospel
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    The Word of Of God proclaims that if we will learn to wait patiently upon the Lord, we will renew our strength and become victorious. This song is a reminder of this WORD from GOD. CD: Sharon (K Cat) Sharing - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Sharon (K Cat) Sharing   Label: Rensongs
    Credits: Arranged and Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "Great is The Lord"genre: Gospel
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    Our God is Great. Sharon Frees sings from her heart just like she does through Fire Talk on the internet. CD: Sharon (K Cat) Sharing - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Sharon (K Cat) Sharing   Label: Rensongs
    Credits: Arranged and Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "The Life Boat"genre: Spiritual Country
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    Rev. Marvin Rutledge leads his congregation in this wonderful old hymn...Recorded in the Apostolic Church Pine Bluff Arkansas 1968 by Ren Rutledge CD: BLESSED MOMENTS - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Blessed Moments   Label: RENSONGS
    Credits: Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "Brush Arbors By The Side Of the Road"genre: Spiritual Country
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    An old favorite bluegrass gospel sound. The Sullivans really singing from their hearts...Live in 1971 Apostolic Church, Pine Bluff, Arkansas, Marvin Rutledge, Pastor CD: MORE BLESSED MOMENTS - buy it!buy it! CD: THE SULLIVAN FAMILY ALIVE - buy it!buy it!
    CD: The Sullivan Family Alive   Label: RENSONGS
    Credits: Recorded by Ren Rutledge on location 1971 Copyright 1971 Ren Rutledge Copyright 1999 Ren Rutledge And Company Productions
    "Gospel Train"genre: Spiritual Country
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    Banjo, fiddles, mandolin, string bass, and guitar and the rich blend of Sullivan family bluegrass CD: THE SULLIVAN FAMILY ALIVE - buy it!buy it!
    CD: The Sullivan Family Alive   Label: RENSONGS
    Credits: The traditon of real bluegrass made this possible. This bluegrass collectors item was recorded and produced by Ren Rutledge in Pine Bluff , Arkansas 1971 Copyright 1971 1999 Ren Rutledge and Company Productions
    "He Will Set Your Fields On Fire"genre: Spiritual Country
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    Old time blue grass singin' and pickin' Sullivan Family as good as it gets CD: THE SULLIVAN FAMILY ALIVE - buy it!buy it!
    CD: The Sullivan Family Alive   Label: RENSONGS
    Credits: Sullivan Family pickers and singers recorded and produced by Ren Rutledge Copyright 1971 1999 Ren Rutledge And Company Productions
    "Let Me Rest"genre: Spiritual Country
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    Blue grass gospel as good as it gets. The Famous Sullivan Family singing in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. This song also caused a long standing ovation when the Sullivan family performed it at the Grand old opry in Nashville. CD: THE SULLIVAN FAMILY ALIVE - buy it!buy it!
    CD: The Sullivan Family Alive   Label: RENSONGS
    Credits: Recorded on Location in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, Apostolic Church, Marvin Rutledge, pastor. Recorded and produced by Ren Rutledge...
    "Somebody Touched Me"genre: Spiritual Country
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    A live recording of the original bluegrass singing Sullivan family. Recorded in Pine Bluff, Arkansas by Ren Rutledge. Permission granted to distribute world-wide. A treasure for anyone who loves bluegrass. Recorded and Produced 1971 by Ren Rutledge CD: MORE BLESSED MOMENTS - buy it!buy it! CD: THE SULLIVAN FAMILY ALIVE - buy it!buy it!
    CD: The Sullivan Family Alive   Label: RENSONGS
    Credits: The Sullivan Family ...What more can you say?
    "Heaven Will Never Welcome A Sweeter Mama"genre: Spiritual Country
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    1971 recording of Sullivan Family LIVE in Pine Bluff Arkansas CD: THE SULLIVAN FAMILY ALIVE - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Sullivan Family Alive   Label: RENSONGS
    Credits: Recorded and produced by Ren Rutledge 1971
    "Pass Me Not"genre: Spiritual Country
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    A heart touching instrumental as only the Sullivan family can do it...Recorded live Pine Bluff, Arkansas, 1971 Apostolic Church, Marvin Rutledge pastor CD: THE SULLIVAN FAMILY ALIVE - buy it!buy it!
    CD: The Sullivan Family Alive   Label: RENSONGS
    Credits: The Original Sullivan Family playing in the True tradition of bluegrass. Recorded and Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "Over In The Glory Land"genre: Spiritual Country
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    The best of the Sullivan Family in the early 70s live in Pine Bluff, Arkansas with Rev. Marvin Rutledge and family. CD: THE SULLIVAN FAMILY ALIVE - buy it!buy it!
    CD: The Sullivan Family Alive   Label: RENSONGS
    Credits: The Famous Sullivan Family Produced and recorded live in 1971 by Ren Rutledge recording copyright 1971 1999
    "I Bowed Down On My Knees And Cried Holy"genre: Gospel
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    Marvin and Norma Rutledge singing from their hearts along with the congregation of the Apostolic Church which was founded and pastored for many years by Rev. Marvin Rutledge CD: BLESSED MOMENTS - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Blessed Moments   Label: RENSONGS
    "How Great Thou Art (Trumpet Solo)"genre: Gospel
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    Ren Rutledge plays his trumpet 1968 Apostolic Church Pine Bluff, Arkansas, Marvin Rutledge Pastor CD: MORE BLESSED MOMENTS - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Blessed Moments   Label: RENSONGS
    "The Holy Ghost That Jesus Is Giving Away"genre: Gospel
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    Wayne Pearce singing his heart out in the Apostolic Church back in the late 60s Pine Bluff, Arkansas. CD: BLESSED MOMENTS - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Blessed Moments   Label: RENSONGS
    Credits: RENSONG PRODUCTIONS Recorded by Ren Rutledge on a cheap Cassette tape right after cassettes were invented and preserved by the Hand of God cause all the tapes around it were not usable. Public Domain Song nobody knows where it came from, but this song has been a blessing to thousands and arranged at least a thousand different ways. This arrangement is the only one like it in the world. RENSONGS PRODUCTIONS holds the recording rights and YOU HAVE PERMISSION to use it record it copy it sell it give it away..and enjoy it ...WHO EVER YOU ARE....Ren Rutledge
    "I Know My Lord's Gonna Lead Me Out"genre: Gospel
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    Johnnie Mae Pearce...Singing as only she can. I have been blessed by this lady singing this song all my life, and I never get tired of hearing it. Ren Rutledge CD: BLESSED MOMENTS - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Blessed Moments   Label: RENSONGS
    Credits: Recorded by Ren Rutledge 1962... We reserve the right to let you copy it and enjoy it. In the early part on the century some Holy Ghost filled person wrote this song and gave it the the world. It is wonderful to be able to distribute this blessing to those who will appreciate it. We thank God for talented people who have written and given through the years with no motive other than to be a blessing. Many of my friends have written songs that I hear groups singing. I see many times on the inserts of tapes and cds words like AUTHUR UNKNOWN or TRADITIONAL...Many times I remember the songs and the composers who are "UNKNOWN" because I was in the service when the song was composed. Often I witnessed Christian song writers as they said.."I don't want credit..just take the song and sing it for the Glory of God..." This is one of those songs. The aurhur is known but desires to remain unknown. To God be the Glory. Amen.
    "The Cross Road"genre: Gospel
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    Ren Rutledge in Revival in West Monroe, La..Pentecostal Church pastored by Rev. Fred Foster. Brother Foster's choir did a good job singing this song and we captured it for you. CD: BLESSED MOMENTS - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Blessed Moments   Label: RENSONGS
    Credits: Written by Ren Rutledge..Choir directed by Ren Rutledge preserved by Jesus Christ in the bottom of a box.
    "Savior"genre: Gospel
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    Rev Marvin Rutledge leading his congregation with the blend of voices that will never be heard quite the same again. How could anyone possibly listen without feeling a touch of the master's hand. CD: BLESSED MOMENTS - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Blessed Moments   Label: RENSONGS
    Credits: Recorded by Ren Rutledge 1971 in Pine Bluff, Arkansas
    "Blessed Be His Holy Name"genre: Gospel
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    Ren Rutledge Trio 1984 Apostolic Church Pine Bluff, Arkansas. CD: BLESSED MOMENTS - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Blessed Moments   Label: RENSONGS
    Credits: Written and Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "Healing Service"genre: Spiritual Country
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    Johnny Wall Loved Sports..In fact he was a coach working for a High School in Louisiana when I met him..I witnessed the new birth of Johnny Wall..He came from knowing very little about God to being on fire for God, and loves to sing testify and preach about Jesus. Johnny now pastors a lovely church in Star City, Arkansas and he knows what he is singing and talking about. Ren Rutledge CD: MORE BLESSED MOMENTS - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Blessed Moments   Label: RENSONGS
    Credits: Written by Don Johnson Unarranged by Johnny Wall Presented by Ren Rutledge and You have a right to enjoy it
    "Jesus Is Mine"genre: Gospel
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    Brenda Janet and Linda many years ago singing in the Apostolic Church a song that made everybody happy. CD: MORE BLESSED MOMENTS - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Blessed Moments   Label: RENSONGS
    Credits: An old traditional public domain gospel song Arranged by Brendal Casteel and Produced by Ren Rutledge
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    Credits: Written and presented by Ren Rutledge
    "The Lights Of Home"genre: Gospel
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    Apostolic Church in the 60s singing under direction of pastor, Marvin Rutledge CD: MORE BLESSED MOMENTS - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Blessed Moments   Label: RENSONGS
    Credits: A Ren Rutledge Production Recordeed in 1962
    "He's The Master Of The Sea"genre: Spiritual Country
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    Gary and Brenda Casteel singing in Pine Bluff, Arkansas in the Apostolic Church 1986...Having a wonderful time with Pastor Marvin Rutledge and Congregation CD: MORE BLESSED MOMENTS - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: Brother Gary Casteel Pastors a wonderful church in Dewitt. Arkansas. Brother and Sister Casteel are dedicated to God and reaching out to people where ever and when ever they can be used. This moment was special, and I enjoyed recording the service and experienced a great blessing PD Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "He Was Nailed To The Cross For Me"genre: Spiritual Country
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    Pastor Marvin Rutledge leads his Congregation in Worship...Many people have been healed and set free from bondage while singing this Wonderful old song. CD: MORE BLESSED MOMENTS - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Blessed Moments   Label: RENSONGS
    Credits: Ever since I was a small child, I remember my father, Marvin Rutledge, having an interest in recording services. When I was five old I remember how excited he was when he came into the house with a wire recorder..shortly after that tape recorders were on the market and the wire recorder was no longer needed. I grew up helping my dad record special events..Years of broadcasting on various radio stations, building congregations and recording baptisms, people being filled with the Holy Ghost..I have descovered in my treasures of audio great preaching and singing that we have preserved for about fifty years..This moment is one of thousands that we would like to share with hungry souls who thirst for this..Help us spread the cds and give them to your friends..You can get involved in this ministry all the credit and glory will go to God.
    "Christ Is The Answer"genre: Spiritual Country
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    W.T. HEMPHILL testifies...1980 Jesus Only Apostolic Church in West Monroe, LA. Choir sings under the direction of Pastor Ren Rutledge CD: MORE BLESSED MOMENTS - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Blessed Moments   Label: RENSONGS
    Credits: Written and Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "Fear Not My Child"genre: Bluegrass
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    The Sullivan Family in the early 70 giving it their best in the Apostolic Church in Pine Bluff, Arkansas with Marvin Rutledge and Congregation. CD: MORE BLESSED MOMENTS - buy it!buy it! CD: THE SULLIVAN FAMILY ALIVE - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Blessed Moments   Label: RENSONG
    Credits: PD Bluegrass Gospel Recorded and Presented by Ren Rutledge
    "Little Child"genre: Spiritual Easy Listening
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    Patty Childers Singing one of her many beautiful songs. This will be one of several outstanding songs by Patty on a new album to be released in the near future. CD: MORE BLESSED MOMENTS - buy it!buy it!
    "What Is His Name?"genre: Gospel
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    Rev. Guy Roam, founder and pastor for many years of New Life Pentecostal Church in Bridgeton, MO. talks about a light. The New Life Choir under the direction of Ren Rutledge sings a song written by the director..the year 1977
    Credits: Written Produced Recorded and Directed by Ren Rutledge
    "Mother And Dad"genre: Bluegrass
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    The Sullivan Family 1971 Pine Bluff, Arkansas..FANTASTIC BLUEGRASS
    Credits: Traditional Bluegrass Song Recorded and Produced by Ren Rutledge 1971
    "Love Lifted Me"genre: Gospel
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    When nothing else could help, Love Lifted Me
    CD: Ren Rutledge In Church   Label: Rensongs
    Credits: Arranged and Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "Down From His Glory"genre: Gospel
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    This song gives honor to the King of Kings. We praise him for giving us a plan which included a Savior who could restore us back to a relationship with God. CD: Sharon (K Cat) Sharing - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Sharon (K Cat) Sharing   Label: Rensongs
    Credits: Arranged and Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "I'm Thankful"genre: Gospel
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    This is a prayer of thanksgiving to Jesus. Lord I am not asking for anything, but I just want to say I am thankful for all that you have done. CD: Sharon (K Cat) Sharing - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Sharon (K Cat) Sharing   Label: Rensongs
    Credits: Arranged and Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "Fill My Way With Love"genre: Gospel
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    The world is filled with abuse and hatred. It is easy to find people who will say they care and then prove by their actions that they really didn't mean it. This song is a request to a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Fill my way with love, and help me to bring cheer to those who are sad and alone. CD: Sharon (K Cat) Sharing - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Sharon (K Cat) Sharing   Label: Rensongs
    Credits: Arranged and Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "He Touched Me"genre: Gospel
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    Something happened when Jesus touched me. There is joy and peace after just one touch. This song is very comforting. CD: Sharon (K Cat) Sharing - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Sharon (K Cat) Sharing   Label: Rensongs
    Credits: Arranged and Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "There Is A River"genre: Gospel
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    The river of life. Jesus Christ providing a cleansing stream which is within reach of all humanity. This river comes from the heart of God and provides satisfaction to all souls who drink from it. CD: Sharon (K Cat) Sharing - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Sharon (K Cat) Sharing   Label: Rensongs
    Credits: Arranged and Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "He Will Carry You"genre: Gospel
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    Apostolic Bible College Singers in Memphis Tennessee back in the 70s under the direction of Ren Rutledge who was music director at that time. CD: BLESSED MOMENTS - buy it!buy it!
    Credits: Arranged produced and recorded by Ren Rutledge 1978
    "What A Wonderful Savior Is He"genre: Spiritual Country
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    The first lady of Bluegrass singing from her heart. CD: THE SULLIVAN FAMILY ALIVE - buy it!buy it!
    CD: The Sullivan Family Alive   Label: RENSONGS
    Credits: Hats off to Bill Monroe who opened the door to Bluegrass. Recorded and Produced by Ren Rutledge Copyright 1971 1999 Ren Rutledge and Company Productions
    "Standing By The River"genre: Spiritual Country
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    The live recording of this song is some ways was a disaster...We couldn't remember our parts..but it was a beautiful time and a treasure even with all the mistakes..The Rutledge family Marvin Norma Rendal And Brenda trying to get it right in front of hundreds of people in Pine Bluff, Arkansas CD: BLESSED MOMENTS - buy it!buy it!
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